Thursday, November 6, 2008

The drug store.......

So I was in the drug store the other day, trying to get a cold medication. You
ever try and pick one of these out? It's not easy. It's a wall. It's an entire wall of cold medication, you stand there, you're going:

- "Alright, alright, alright, okay, what the hell-- This is quick acting, but this is long lasting. When do I need to feel good, now or later?"

It's a tough question. And they always show you the commercials on TV where they show you what's wrong with the guy, you know? They always show you, like, all the problems that he's having. First of all, they always show you the human body, which is usually this guy. No face, mouth open, this is how drug companies see the public. And he's always in, like, a certain pain, it's like red wavy lines are going through him or he's glowing, parts of him are on fire sometimes, lightning is attacking him.

I never had a doctor say to me, "Are you having any pain?" "Yes I am." "Are you having any lightning with the pain?"

Monday, November 3, 2008

The Halloween is gone, so let’s try to bring it back.

The Halloween is gone, so let's try to bring it back but in a different way this time. Follow me.

You know, as a kid I always was too much addicted to candy. Candy was my whole life when I was a kid. That was... First ten years of my life, I think the only clear thought I had was: "GET CANDY!" That was it.

Family, friends, school, they were just obstacles in they way of the candy. I'm out for the candy here. I'm just thinking: "Get candy! Get candy!" That's why you have to teach kids not to take candy from a stranger if they're playing in the playground, because they're such candy idiot moron brains...

They're just: "This man has candy, I'm going with him." "Goodbye. Whatever happens to me. Get candy, get candy..." "Don't go! They'll torture you, they'll kidnap you." "It doesn't matter, he has an 'Old Henry'. I have to take that chance." "Get candy, get candy..." So the first time you hear the concept of Halloween when you're a kid your brain can't even process the information.

You're like: "What is this? What did you say? What did you say about giving out candy? Who's giving out candy?. .......everyone that we know is just giving out candy?
"Are you kidding me?"

" When is this happening?

" Where? Why? Take me with you!"
"I gotta be a part of this. I'll do anything that they want."

"I can wear that."

"I'll wear anything I have to wear. I'll do anything I'll have to do to get the candy from those fools" "that are so stupid they're giving it away." So, the first couple of years I made my own costumes which of course sucked: the ghost, the hobo...

Then, finally, the third year, begging the parents, I've got the Superman Halloween costume, not surprisingly. Cardboard box, self-made top, mask included. Remember the rubber band on the back of that mask? That was a quality item there, wasn't it? That was good about 10 seconds before it snapped out of that cheap little staple they put it in there with. You go to your first house: "Trick or..." Snap! "It broke. I don't believe it!" "Wait up, you guys! I gotta fix it!" "Hey, wait up! Wait up!" That's what kids say. They don't say: "Wait!" They say: "Wait up! Hey, wait up!"

'Cause when you're little, your life is up, the future is up, everything you want is up. "Wait up, hold up, shut up." "Mamma, clean up", "Let me stay up."

For parents, of course, everything is just the opposite. Everything is down. "Just calm down", "Slow down", "Come down here" "Sit down", "Put that down" So I had my little costume, I was physically ready, I was preparing myself, I did not try on the costume prior to Halloween.

Do you remember... This is an obscure one but... On the side of the box, I remember from my Superman costume, it actually said: - "Do not attempt to fly!" They printed that as a warning 'cause kids would put it on and... going off the roofs. I love the idea of the kid who's stupid enough to think he actually is Superman but smart enough to check that box before he goes off the roof. "Let me see if it says anything about me being Superman..." "Oh, wait a second here, I..." So, anyway, but if my hopes were up I was thinking that this is probably the same exact costume that Superman wears himself. When you put these things on, it's not exactly the super-fit that you are hoping for. It looks more like Superman's pajamas, that's what it looks like.

It's all kinda loose and flowing. The neck line kinda comes down about there... flimsy little ribbon string in the back. Plus my mother makes me wear my winter coat over the costume anyway. I don't recall Superman wearing a jacket. Not like I had: cheap quarteroid, phony fur. "Boy, I'm Superman but it's a little chilly out and I'm glad I have this cheap little 10 year old kids jacket."

So I'm going out trick-or-treating but the mask's rubber band keeps breaking and keeps getting shorter. I'm fixing it, it's getting tighter and tighter on my face. You know, when it starts slicing into your eyeballs there and you... you're trying to breathe through that little hole... getting all sweaty.

"I can't see, I can't breathe but we gotta keep going, we gotta get the candy." And a half an hour into it you just take the mask:

-"Oh, the hell with it.

- Bing-bong!

- Yeah, it's me, give me the candy.Yeah, I'm Superman, look at the pants legs, what do you care?"

Looking at those last years of trick-or-treating you're getting a little too old for it. Still out there, going through the motions. Bing-bong! "Come on lady, let's go." "Halloween, doorbells, candy, let's pick it up and..." They come at the door... they always ask you the same stupid questions:

- "What are you supposed to be?"
- "I'm supposed to be done by now. You wanna move it along the three musketeers. I got 18 houses on this block, sweetheart. Just hit the bag, we hit the road. That's the way it works."

Sometimes they have that little white bag twisted on the top... You know that's gonna be some crap candy. Doesn't have the official Halloween markings on it.

"Hold it, lady. Wait a second. What is this? The orange marshmallow shaped like a peanut? Do me a favor, you keep that one. We have all the doorstops we need already. Thank you. We're going for name candy only this year."

Hehehe… the fun goes on and on…?

NOTE: so what's your story…?

Monday, August 25, 2008

Why do girls...?

Why do girls go to the bathroom in groups?

I don't get it. When one girl says, "I need to use the ladies room," four or five others get up and join her and hurry off like a bunch of cats. There could be four couples at a restaurant all enjoying a good meal and one girl says she's going to freshen up and that's it, they’re gone. Why do they do that? Furthermore, what do they all do in the bathroom? Do they need three hands to flush a toilet? Are they afraid to be in there alone?

The only rational explanation is that they talk about guys. That has to be it. There isn't any other logical reason. They go in there and gossip. They say things like, "Isn't he cute?", giggle, giggle, giggle. "Can you believe what Tom said, I was so embarrassed," giggle, giggle, giggle. "Mike has a nice car." "Bob's rear is so sexy." "I just love Brian's biceps." The list goes on. I guess a bathroom is a safe haven for women. Its their own little world where they can say things they wouldn't dare say in front of men or normal people. I say we bug the bathrooms.

Why are some girls always late?

Have you ever noticed the time differential between men and women? Let me illustrate. You are at your girl friend's house and you say, Let's go to the movies. She says, "Okay, sounds great." You stand up and instantly you are ready to go. She heads toward the bathroom and says, "I'll be just a minute."

Did you hear what she said? "Just a minute"? Not on your life. After she says that exaggerated statement of incredulity, the only thing you can do is to sit down, turn on the T.V., and watch a football game or two. About the time the tide comes in again, she'll come prancing out of the bathroom and say, "Ready." Of course, by then you're ready to snooze. Dribble is slowing leaking out of your mouth, as you are about to drop off into la la land and snooze a few. You offer a confused stare and say, "Huh? Ready for what?"

Now, this isn't because you're dumb, or even playing dumb, it is because you forgot where you were going. So what happens? She gets upset with you for forgetting what you were going to do. Now is that fair? Especially after it was her fault.

What this whole thing proves, and we know it is true, is that girls have a different concept of time than guys. When guys say 10 minutes they mean ten minutes, 600 seconds. What a girl means is 10 minutes, plus or minus twenty.

The suspicious thing about this phenomenon is that when you tell a girl you'll call her in two days, to her it seems like two weeks. But, if you're a geek then the two days seems like two minutes. To a guy, two days is two days, and that's it.

Remember how the bewilder filter causes problems with girl things, like thinking, waiting, listening, talking, buying, selling, cooking, dating, dressing, etc? When it comes to time you better interpret according to girl time, not guy time. That means if you want to be somewhere by noon, tell her you need to be there at eight o'clock in the morning. That should work out just fine.

Why do girls like to shop?

Shopping is fun; I can see that। Its cool buying a stereo or a jacket। We know what we want। We go into the store and say, "I'll take THAT jacket right there." Its kind of like conquering. Men like to conquer. They conquer by running the bases, making touch downs, making more money...and buying something in three minutes or less.

Girls, on the other hand, will circle, close in, back off, touch, feel, try on, put back, sigh, smile, go to another store, circle, close in, back off, touch, feel,... Its a ritual. They drag it out and enjoy every last shopping moment they can squeeze from the buying experience. And what's more, they like to do it in groups!

So there you have it, how to persuade and win women by being an obnoxious jerk. As you can see it is a complicated and messy business and will take a lot of effort and sacrifice on your part. I'm sorry I couldn't make things simpler for you. Face it, being an obnoxious jerk is what this blog is about and being a jerk simply isn't easy. Most things worth a hoot in life aren't.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The opposite of Love is not hate. It’s Indifference

I have heard so many times sad love stories about being dumped or dumping someone which in many cases get imprinted in my memory like an ancient fossil. Well, we all have soft side in our heart and when that side is wide open we try to be more supportive, more vivid to the fact of this sadness of ours.

"I think inside all of us there is still strength left to pass this situation. Here's How to Get Over It."

We've all been there. We've fallen in love with somebody who just didn’t love us back. We've heard a variety of exit lines: "I think it's time we started seeing other people", "I love you, but I'm not in love with you", or "It's not you. It’s me".

It’s hard to accept when the other person just stops returning phone messages, but it's even worse when they keep calling after the break-up. Running into the object of affection in a public place is also a killer, especially if he or she gives mixed signals by making persistent eye contact. It doesn't help when they send an email every so often to see how you’re doing, either.

Instead, it makes it really easy for you to lie to yourself. You tell yourself that this person really does love you but is afraid of being hurt. The poor thing! If only you could convince him or her that you are a gentle soul utterly incapable of causing pain. If only you could prove your trustworthiness, your dedication. You will win him over! You will make her see! You will!

You lie awake at night replaying the happy scenes between you. You remember the tender way she looked at you while you recited your lines from the Third Grade Christmas pageant over a candlelit dinner. You bring to mind the yielding fullness of his lower lip as you kissed him on the beach. Surely this person loves you! Why must they live in such terror of loving and be loved?

And so it goes. You become caught up in believing that someone who doesn’t love you really does, blinding yourself to opportunities to meet a person who will truly make you happy.

You cannot move on until you stop obsessing, but that’s easier said than done, right? Here's what might work for you:

Tell the person to bug off. Just as you must cease contact with the object of your affection, he or she must cease contact with you. Tell this person you're not ready to be friends and you don't know if you ever will be. Any patronizing emails they send inquiring to your well-being will be left unread and marked as SPAM.

Write down all the things that bothered you. After being dumped, it's natural to idealize the dumper. We remember the happy events and tender moments, but we forget about the time he was chatting away with a blob of scrambled egg stuck to his lip, or how mascara used to crumble in her eye sockets. We forget about the stack of Victoria's Secret catalogs he kept on his night table, or her fondness for using four-letter words in 4-Star restaurants. Nobody is perfect. Everybody has faults, so write down a list of the object of your affections worst traits and pull it out every time that scene of the two of you fooling around at sunrise pops into your head. Tape a copy to your bathroom mirror while you're at it, so you see it first thing in the morning.

Throw out all reminders. It doesn't even have to be a gift. It could be a book you discussed, a bottle of wine you shared that's still on your kitchen counter, or the sheets you slept on together. Treat yourself by replacing everything. Start fresh.

Turn off the radio. You're minding your own business, doing quite well, thank you, when all of a sudden some song comes on the radio that reminds you of the object of your obsession. Change the channel. Snap off the radio. Act fast, or in an instant you will be back where you started, treading the cycle of being in love, jilted, depressed, hopeful, and delusional.

Make the commitment. The reason we obsess about people who hurt us is because its comfortable. Heck, sometimes its even fun. But to move on to the love you deserve, you have to make a commitment to stop obsessing. So make it.

Remember, the opposite of love is not hate. Its indifference. When you're indifferent to the person who hurt you, you will truly be free and on your way to genuine happiness.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

The drug store....

So I was in the drug store the other day, trying to get a cold medication. You
ever try and pick one of these out? It's not easy. It's a wall. It's an entire wall of cold medication, you stand there, you're going:

- "Alright, alright, alright, okay, what the hell-- This is quick acting, but this is long lasting. When do I need to feel good, now or later?"

It's a tough question. And they always show you the commercials on TV where they show you what's wrong with the guy, you know? They always show you, like, all the problems that he's having. First of all, they always show you the human body, which is usually this guy. No face, mouth open, this is how drug companies see the public. And he's always in, like, a certain pain, it's like red wavy lines are going through him or he's glowing, parts of him are on fire sometimes, lightning is attacking him.

I never had a doctor say to me, "Are you having any pain?" "Yes I am." "Are you having any lightning with the pain?"

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Those who don't question never truly think for themselves

I'm generally an optimist, and its been my pleasure to be able to write mostly about things that matter. But sometime things don't go as smoother as we thing they will. It has been getting progressively uglier lately.

To learn to think is to learn to question. Those who don't question never truly think for themselves. These are simple rules that have governed the innovation of science and human thought since the beginning of time. Advancements are made when thinkers question theories and introduce new ones. Unfortunately, it is often the great and respected thinkers who end up slowing the progress of human thought.

Brilliant minds can intimidate up-and-coming thinkers who are not confident of their abilities. They often believe they are inferior to the minds of giants, leading many to accept current paradigms instead of questioning them. Science leaps a major hurdle every time people think for themselves and realize that even respected thinkers are human too, and their thoughts are not law.

I, like many thinkers of the past, once believed in my mental inferiority. I was certain that my parents, my teachers - adults in general - were always right. They were like a textbook to me; I didn't question what was written on those pages. I respected them, and accepted whatever they told me. But that attitude soon changed. My mind's independence was first stimulated in the classroom.

Questions are said to be the path to knowledge and truth, and I plan to continue questioning. How many things do we know for sure today that we will question in the future? At this moment, I am certain man can never reach the speed of light. I know that our sun will burn for another five billion years, and I know nothing can escape the gravity of a black hole. This knowledge, however, may change in the next 20 years - maybe even in the next two. The one thing we can control now is our openness to discovery.

Questions are the tools of open minds, and open minds are the key to intellectual advancement.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

I’m not a puppet master!

I know it usually happen with bloggers to run through this situation a lot with their readers. It is god, it is bad!

Sometime I sense you all blaming me for what I write, or why I write this stuff. It is simply understandable, because you feel the meaning of my words and experience different part of it in your everyday life. Some of you find it amusement some other crazy. Be as it may. I don’t care. But I want to tell you what I really think:

I’m not a puppet master. I definitely don’t make things happen. It doesn’t work that way.

You read my columns, but you have your free will. It’s like butterfly’s wings. Once touched, they never get off the ground. I only set the stage. I don’t even bother worrying who’s going to show up there and for what? That is your problem. You pull your own strings.

I see you getting mad now. Well, think about me reading all those comments. One time you like my blogs and than I’m your hero, the other time you don’t like them and this time I’m crazy. Hahahaa, you are really making my day.


Who am I? Okay than, I’m little more than you think. I’m my own self, with no interruptions of someone’s opinion. I have my little world where I am the king. My pride is my precious. I have no hidden spats.

This is getting pretty interesting. You are still mad and now even more. You still blaming me, because you don’t get my words. You never listen to me people, you get my messages in a wrong way, and than you come to me for a Dr. Phil solution.

Well, guess what, I am not Dr. f…. Phil I am as me!

Vanity is definitely my favorite sin. It’s so basic. My meanings (blogs) are like a bag of fricken rocks. If you don’t like it, simply set it down and leave. No hard feelings. Don’t come to me and tell me I was wrong about this, and right about that. I didn’t ask anyone when I write it down, why should I ask you now?

I accept you guys for what you are, do do accept me for who I am?

Thursday, May 29, 2008

The difference between making love and having sex!

We sometime in our idiotic moments used to think there was no difference between making love and having sex. That distinction seemed wholly fabricated by the evil unit responsible for many women's magazines and Harlequin romance-style novels.

You see, We are men. That means we have needs, and any time that happens, it managed to find a little female companionship, well, call it what you will, but it was all good. Pretty much. Cuddle afterward — or don't. Show up with flowers next time — or don't. Phone the next day — or don't.

Some people might choose to argue over semantics. We, on the other hand as young men species, were busily engaged in trying to help our self find a new female vacation spot.

Let me explain:

You see, Think back and find a time when you have fallen for this girl once, in a big way (not anymore though). Suddenly, You knew there was a difference — and what, exactly, that difference was. It's not that we don't get "fast and furious". Rather, for the first time, We were profoundly aware that making love is fundamentally a process — a long, unbelievably enticing, terribly wonderful encounter that's all about discovering every possible way two people can connect sexually.

Even better, the more in love you are, the more ways to connect.

Sex, on the other hand, is about two people using one another to get off, which is fine and good. But making love is a journey of utter pleasure that is only possible when you increasingly cannot imagine not having that person in your life.

Still confused? Just refer to this handy list I've devised:

Making Love: You can't wait to wake up with her.
Having Sex: You can't wait to wake up.

Making Love: You talk and giggle into the small hours.
Having Sex: You have little to say other than, "So, our sex organs really fit together there, now don't they."

Making Love: You wake up staring into her opalescent blue eyes.
Having Sex: You wake up staring at her (um, I forget what color) eyes.

Making Love: You wonder how you ever got through the night without holding and kissing her.
Having Sex: You wonder how you're going to get through the night without holding and kissing Smelly, your loyal, prodigiously slobbering Great Dane–pit bull mix.

Still confused? Think again!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Okay people! I'm telling you for the last time.

Yesterday my best friend came from Detroit, so I had to be generous with him. I took him a few places. We know each other for a very long time, and always tell each other almost about anything.

I remember when he got married a few years ago, and heck I sure do remember his divorce too. Hell of a life eh?

Okay than lets start.

I am not a fun of "so-called" experts. How do they think? What do they think, and the most important how the hell they go along with girls as easy as looking for toilette paper in a drag-mart store.

I know for a fact that everyone of us always try to cover and hide the mystery of dating, because we never know actually what is going to happen anyway. The journeys of dating can various from a 5-star outstanding adventure to a slow shitty bus ride.

Anyway, this friend of mine is being so mad about him self, (and, God I hope he doesn’t read this Lol) he is anxious about being single for a relatively long time.

At first, this is normal for all of us, but please being single is not a desperate situation.

I listened to his story and to be honest with you, I told him this: - "Sometime the best thing to think is NOT to think at all". He gave me a look like I was coming from another planet.

I mean, who cares anymore that on our first date a guy should be very careful about what he says. What is more important to be careful, choose our words and than later one our partner to discover that we are full of shit and nothing more..?

I my self, hate this kind of girls, who always expect guys to be the mood of the first date. Make them laugh, keep them interested about what is going on etc.. I say NO.

Spontaneous is my weapon and if you don’t like it, that is not my problem. Don’t you think you are looking for more than you are giving.

I know that there are certain unspoken, unwritten rules, but hey, rules are made so we can break them and feel happy about it.

Let’s get back to my friends reality. He was telling me that he ruined a couple of dates, cause he wasn’t being an interesting guy. Hack of a situation eh..?

I still don’t understand why some girls look at their first date like a very careful step.

Hey, it is a goddamn date not your last day in earth….

At some point we all are looking for ways to take control of our life, whether is our relationship or else. Daily challenges have a way of overwhelming us, making life harder. Is that what we need to do?

I know in my life, I’ve been in my friend’s situation, but believe it or not, I think I got my remedy. I remember I heard a quote once: - "To dream of the person you would like to be, is to waste the person you are". Pretty hard achievement eh? Well, deal with it. I did!

I know I'm keeping you here stuck with me, to figure out where am I going, so let’s cut the chit chat.

I'm telling you, like I told my friend for the last time:


  1. Always speak the truth.
  2. Ask your self what you really want.
  3. Take responsibilities for your experiences.
  4. Keep your agreement.
  5. Add good-feeling to your life.
  6. Be self-worth in your life.
  7. Ad creativity to your life.
  8. Live in an existent, hand-touchy reality.

Whether its heaven or hell, we are the ones who created our life. We are the ones who constantly struggle with relationships, career, etc. People say life is hell but life I think never was meant to be a struggle.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Time of choices and passions

Spring has arrived, pushing away the dark melancholy of winter. The contrast between the two seasons mirrors the contrasts within ourselves. We are both light and dark, colorful and plain. Do we need to shed the winter of our souls to embrace the rebirth of spring?

We are compromised of both for good reasons. "The shadow is the person we would rather not be...(However) one does not become enlightened by imaginary figures of light but by making the darkness conscious."

Our shadows exist to teach us, guide us, and give us the blessings of our entire selves. They are the resources for us to expose and explore. The feelings that we have suppressed are desperate to be integrated into ourselves. They are only harmful when they are repressed: then they can pop up at the least opportune times. Their sneak attacks will handicap us in the areas of our life that mean the most.

"Our life will be transformed when we make peace with our shadow. The caterpillar will become a breathtakingly beautiful butterfly. We will no longer have to pretend to be someone we're not. We will no longer have to prove we're good enough. When we embrace we shadow, we will no longer have to live in fear. Find the gifts of our shadow and we will finally revel in all the glory of our true self. Then we will have the freedom to create the life we have always desired."

Lets summon our deepest selves. Cultivating the kind of knowing that doesn't depend on following paper trails and keeping up with proliferating piles of information seems essential as our world speeds up and problems become more complex. Imagine if we surrendered our compulsion to devour information and instead trusted intuition, if we listened to first impressions and acted from a deep sense of harmony. Operating this way, what we needed to know would simply occur to us, and whoever was supposed to do the task would be the first to do it.

Spring is the mother of new creation. Tender blades of grass rise from the barren earth, flowers bloom, leaves burst forth and fawns appear in the meadows. Puppies play while kittens frolic. She allows us to be seized with joy and a zest for life, enchanted when the butterfly takes wing and the rainbow glitters above. Even while we continue to recognize our winters, we should let our souls revel in spring. Among her best gifts are an enthusiasm that creates momentum, an anticipation of the future and awe at the wonders of our world. Spring is also a time of choices and passions. We need to let our choices and our passions combine and become the life force of our creative endeavors.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

The way of Life

The different shades of a human beings character are nothing but the self-love manifest.

I always stress over the fact that the heart has an upper hand in our lives. So basically the idea is to pull down the energy level of the heart and raise the energy level of the mind in order to obtain a sound balance.

Stop thinking about others. Open your heart. Close your eyes. Stretch your hands forward and while moving them away take a deep breath and say to yourself that you are free, you are open. You are open to changes. Life is too small to be shackled by ropes of stringent principles. The past is past for good. There is nothing in the entire world more important than you and your desires.

Since God is the ultimate abode of every living creature, and taking into account His fickle nature, the best idea is to just consistently keep doing your work. If He is the real benefactor, and you believe in Him, and you've been damn serious in your ventures, you shall be benefited. It is highly essential to note here that miracles generally do not occur and Lady Luck is very lazy and clumsy. This is a bitter truth.

Joy is momentary. Greater part of our lives we spend in depression. Little things make us unhappy. This shouldn't be. Are we - the masterpieces of His creation - so weak? He has bestowed upon us the choicest qualities of the heart, mind and body. Any venture undertaken would bring hopes, hope may bring failure and failure brings depression. So why not throw the damn hope out? Believe me its often possible if not always.

Friday, May 2, 2008

My Interests

I am interested in anything that is interesting. Writing seeps into my brain much more easily than the thundering similar data of a single concentrated topic area. Though I tend to gravitate towards computer, science, and math information, I will just as likely find an article on a political, religious, or historical topic just as interesting as an article on how astronauts keep their Coke fizzy in space or a book on how public key encryption works.

My interests are gauged by how much time I spend in each of them. I spend time on my personal relationship with computing, writing, web design, and cycling, in order.

Though I do not spend most of my daily time actively engaging in monastic exercises of personal study and reflection, or even in what would popularly be considered religious activity, I have determined to mold my entire life, moment by moment, in a way that is pleasing to God. This is my greatest interest.

The second-most done activity in my life is computing and regulation compliancy, as it is currently my job. I do try to spend some time off the clock exercising this interest, but if allowed free in the wild, it would probably take third place to the next interest: writing.

I enjoy writing very much. My writing topics and style tend to match my electricity, though I enjoy the role of an essayist-poet most of all. I have written many instructional blogs, essays, poems though I have lately stayed away from them due to my over-exercise of that area of writing. I enjoy poetry, and while few poets ever put bread on the table and write substantial amounts of poetry, I am not motivated by anything primarily for money and find poetry an expressive way to communicate things that prose is unable to.

I can never tell when I will be interested in something. But that is what makes life an interesting hodgepodge of many facts, experiences, activities, and lessons.

Monday, April 28, 2008

The bad thing about television

The bad thing about television is that everybody you see on television is doing something better than what you're doing. Did you ever see anybody on TV like just sliding off the front of the sofa with potato chip crumbs on their face? Some people have a little too much fun on television: the soda commercial people - where do they summon this enthusiasm?

Have you seen them?

-"We have soda, we have soda, we have soda", jumping, laughing, flying through the air - it's a can of soda for goodness sake. Why all that? LoL

Have you ever been standing there and you're watching TV and you're drinking the exact same product that they're advertising right there on TV, and it's like, you know, they're spiking volleyballs, jet skiing, girls in bikinis and I'm standing there - "Maybe I'm putting too much ice in mine."

At the movie theater.

What's with the age gap hiring policy at most movie theaters?

Did you ever notice, they never hire anyone between the ages of fifteen... and eighty, you know what I mean?

Like, the girl that sells you the ticket, she's ten. Then there's the guy who rips the ticket, he's a hundred and two. So, what happened in the middle, there? You couldn't find anybody? It's like they want to show you how life comes full circle. You're fifteen you sell the tickets. Then you leave,

you go out,
you have a family,
eighty years later,
and you're back in the same theater three feet away. Ripping tickets.

Took you eighty years to move three feet...?

The finger.....

…so here I am driving from a very boring day at work to my lovely home. I am in the right side line of the freeway. Going no more than 65 MPH. Somehow I decide to move into the center lane, now I get ahead of this woman, who felt for some reason I guess, that she thought that I cut her off. So, she pulls up along side of me, gives me... "the finger".

It seems like such an... arbitrary, ridiculous thing to just pick a finger and you show it to the person. It's a finger, what does it mean? Someone shows me one of their fingers and I'm supposed to feel bad.

Is that the way it's supposed to work? I mean, you could just give someone the toe, really, couldn't you? I would feel worse if I got the toe, than if I got the finger. 'Cause it's not easy to give someone the toe, you've got to get the shoe off, the sock of and drive, get it up and uh look at that toe, buddy. I mean, that's really insulting to get the toe, isn't it ?

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Love, love, love sports

I love to go to sports events. Love, love, love sports. Anybody running around in an outfit with a stripe on it, I want to watch them do it.

Take boxing, the simplest, stupidest sport of all. It's almost as if these two guys are just desperate to compete with each other, but they couldn't think of a sport. So they said, "Why don't we just pound each other for forty-five minutes? Maybe someone will come watch that."

It's strange, two guys in shorts competing for a belt. They should award them slacks or a shirt.

The real problem it that you have two guys fighting who have no prior argument. They should have the boxers come into the ring in little cars, drive around a little bit, eventually there's an accident. They get out...

"Didn't you see my signal?"
"Look at that fender!"

Then you'd see a real fight!

The way women and men approach clothes in a store

Women approach clothes from a different angle altogether. The other day I was watching women in a department store looking at clothes, and I noticed women don't try on the clothes, they get behind the clothes. They take a dress off the rack and they hold it up against themselves. They can tell something from this. They stick one leg way out and kind of lean back. I guess they need to know, "If someday I'm one-legged at a forty-five-degree angle, what am I going to wear?"

You never see a man do that. You never see a guy take a suit off the rack, put his head behind the collar, and go, "What do you think about this suit? I think I'll get it. Put some shoes by the bottom of the pants, I want to make sure. Now what if I'm walking? Move the shoes, move the shoes, move the shoes."


Friday, April 18, 2008

Do we really believe in our self…?

There are times when we believe in everything and everybody but ourselves. There is a constant search for gurus and role models when they exist within us. The most brutal beating that we take is the one that we inflict upon ourselves. We make one mistake and we count ourselves out before the referee can blow the whistle.

We beat ourselves down into a state of depression. Depression is a dark and dreary place where we drink tears for breakfast, lunch and dinner. We tend to use our carnal mind, eyes and ears that are distorted during this dark time.

Have you ever cried all night long? Dry your eyes at midnight if you really have to cry. Place a smile on your face and embrace joy. Cheer up, it's morning time, joy has arrived!

Is self doubt is still hanging around harassing you? If so, get rid of it. I hear you saying, "I have made so many mistakes." This is a familiar phrase that has been spoken so faithfully by many people. But, you are not alone. We've all made many mistakes but . . . the more mistakes you make . . .the more self-doubt and less confidence you will have in yourself.

Imagine yourself as a confident person free from self-doubt. Hold this image everyday until it sinks into your spirit. Whenever negative thoughts about yourself enter your mind, erase them immediately.

When you wake up in the mornings get a clear picture of a self-image in your mind. What do you want to accomplish today? Write it on a piece of paper and post it on the refrigerator, mirror or someplace in your dorm. Engrave it on your heart.

Life can be full of questions and not enough answers. We know that answers are somewhere waiting to be discovered, but the question is where?


If you are missing such an important piece to mistakes that people make in life, which is: there is ALWAYS a lesson learned. Most people do what you I mentioned they do, and they inflict this self-doubt and self-hate, they sulk themselves in misery instead of reflection. If people would look at their mistakes and take advantage of this great knowledge of wealth placed in front of them to learn from they'd be much better off. In order to move forward you must make a movement someway, somehow, but by sulking and being miserable, putting yourself are just standing still. That won't get ya anywhere.

Learn from your mistakes. Take the time to plan before you make your next move. Once you move forward after careful planning, don't look back!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

The Advantages of Erotic Writing

All right. Erotica. Porn. Smut. That thing "nice girls" don't do, and conventional wisdom has it that women aren't interested in.

After all, women are turned off by the hardcore male porn rags -- Hustler and the like -- and when it comes to Playgirl, there are a fair amount of females who find the pictures sterile. Women, you see, like hearts and flowers and true love, and possibly heaving breasts of passion in a romance novel.

What do women want?

I am about to generalize shamelessly. A great many women enjoy a good erotic read, but they like something beyond the specific body parts; hence a story is often more useful in that way than a picture. Eroticism, for women (and for some men) may be invested in many things: in attitude, voice, the tenor of a relationship, the way a man grins, the way he whispers, the things he whispers. In leather jackets and tight jeans, in white tie and tails. In power or in obsession. In sudden acts of kindness or unexpected witticisms. In heroism or in guilt.

These things, you must understand (I assume here that I'm speaking to a space alien) are not simply endearing, they can also be erotic. A turn-on. A signal that goes right to the groin and the lungs, catching the breath, flushing the cheeks.

Because, you see, chicks like it all. The whole thing. The old in-and-out is the least of it, a simple expression of a long and diffuse tickle that starts with a sudden cast of light on a face, an abrupt realization that thank god, now all things are new again.

(Yes, all these sexual distractions apply to many men as well, to greater or lesser degree; and there are men who read erotic writing too, and a few men who write it very well indeed. I did say that I was generalizing shamelessly.)

This generalized eroticism means that writing in a sexual mode for a female audience is a challenge akin to pass The Dead Man Curve towards 90-East in Cleveland-Ohio without killing yourself. Hehehe... LoL

You can't just throw two blank slates onto a page and have them f*** like bunnies; your audience would be appalled. (Where's the need? Where's the tease? Where's the knowledge, the emotional hook, the thing that makes what these two people are doing hot?)

And there are romance novels out there -- the erotica variety -- that seek to do exactly this, bless their literary hearts, and a portion of them succeed quite well.

But you know, some of us are wicked and impatient, and 200 pages book is a long time to wait.

Clearly there are those among us who will not let their harmless pleasures be fettered by long romance books. We need the real stuff, we need it quick and we need it now. It was disconcerting to realize how much importance I had been giving to an issue that was not, at heart, something that reflected on character.

Given all that alienness between the sexes, it's somewhat reassuring to know that there can be common ground in our artistic pleasures. It's nice to share our toys.

And, we can only hope, fiery as anything.

Friday, April 11, 2008

I’m like an imbecile with a can opener in my hand!

I stood before a mirror and said dreadfully: - 'I want to see how I look in the mirror with my eyes closed.' No man is great enough or wise enough for any of us to surrender our destiny to. The only way in which anyone can lead us is to restore to us the belief in our own guidance.

And yet---yet despite all the outward evidence of being close-knit, interrelated, neighborly, good-humored, helpful, sympathetic, almost brotherly, we are a lonely people, a morbid, crazed herd thrashing about in zealous frenzy, trying to forget that we are not what we think we are, not really united, not really devoted to one another, not really listening, not really anything, just digits shuffled about by some unseen hand in a calculation which doesn't concern us.

We are not equals; we are mostly inferior, vastly inferior, inferior particularly to those who are quiet and contained, who are simple in their ways, and unshakable in their beliefs. We resent what is steady and anchored, what is impervious to our blandishments, our logic, our collectivized cud of principles, our antiquated forms of allegiance.

I guess the trouble with us is that we can not swallow the fact that we are another nobody. The sensation which we long to possess, in order to establish the good, the true and the beautiful.

Drama always affected me strangely, always aroused the sense of ridiculous, especially when motivated by love. Perhaps that was why, in moments of desperation, I could always laugh at myself. The moment I made the decision to act I became another person---the actor. And of course I always overplayed the part.

How we hate to admit that we would like nothing better than to be the slave! Slave and master at the same time! For even in love the slave is always the master in disguise. The man who must conquer the woman, subjugate her, bend her to his will, form her according to his desires---is he not the slave of his slave?

Two solid bodies colliding in space at the wrong time, rubbing surfaces together, exchanging souvenirs, plugging in wrong numbers, promising and repromising, forgetting, parting, remembering again...hurried, mechanical, meaningless, and what the hell does all add up to?

The Buddha went so far as to say: - "Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.

Nothing would be bad or ugly or evil---if we really let ourselves go. But it's hard to make people understand that. Anyway, that's the difference between the world of imagination and the world of common sense, which isn't common sense at all but sheer buggery and insanity. If you stop till and look at things....I say look, not think, and not criticize...the world looks absolutely crazy to you. And it is crazy, by God! It's just as crazy when things are normal and peaceful as in times of war and revolution. The evils are insane evils, and the panaceas are insane panaceas. Because we're all driven like dogs. We're running away. From what? We don't know. From a million nameless things.

I feel something as though I'm going to burst. I really don't give a dam about the misery of the world. I take it for granted. What I want is to open up. I'm like an imbecile with a can opener in his hand, wondering where to begin---to open up the earth. I know that underneath the mess everything is marvelous. I'm sure of it. I know it because I feel so marvelous myself most of the time."

Yours in fear,
The man who sold the world

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Of love..

The stage is more beholding to love, that the life of man. For as to the stage, love is ever matter of comedies, and now and then of tragedies; but in life it doth much mischief; sometimes like a siren, sometimes like a fury.

You may observe that amongst all the great and worthy persons (whereof the memory remained, either ancient or recent) there is not one, which has been transported to the mad degree of love: which shows that great spirits, and great business, do keep out this weak passion.

It is a strange thing, to note the overload of this passion, and how it braves the nature, and value of things, by this; that the speaking in a perpetual hyperbole, is comely in nothing but in love. Neither is it merely in the phrase; for whereas it has been well said, that the arch-flatterer, with whom all the petty flatterers have intelligence, is a man's self; certainly the lover is more.

For there was never proud man thought so absurdly well of himself, as the lover doth of the person loved; and therefore it was well said, that it is impossible to love, and to be wise. Neither doth this weakness appear to others only, and not to the party loved; but to the loved most of all, except the love be reciprocal.

For it is a true rule, that love is ever rewarded, either with the reciprocal, or with an inward and secret contempt. By how much the more, men ought to beware of this passion, which lost not only other things, but itself!

I know not how, but martial men are given to love: I think, it is but as they are given to wine; for perils commonly ask to be paid in pleasures. There is in man's nature, a secret inclination and motion, towards love of others, which if it be not spent upon some one or a few, doth naturally spread itself towards many, and make men become humane and charitable; as it is seen sometime in friars. Matrimonial love makes mankind; friendly love perfected it; but wanton love corrupted, and embossed it.

Friday, April 4, 2008

I'm not concerned with what you look like.

I want to know how you look at life, and if you look for the good in people. How do you want other people to see you? What do you see that you can do so that others may see you as you wish they would? These are your "looks" that I care most about.

I'm not concerned with how much money you have.

I want to know if you are rich in less material matters, for that speaks of your character. Do you see the beauty in each day? Do you treasure your friendships and family? Are you thankful for what you have? Or do you ignore the beauty around you and take life and them.

I'm not concerned with your shortcomings.

I want to know if you try and you fail, whether you know that failing at any THING doesn't make YOU a failure. I want to know if you fail time and time again, can you still look at a sunset and realize the beauty of it, or see the innocence and trust in the eyes of a child, or be grateful that each day is a new beginning? I want to know if you fail today, will begin a new tomorrow with as much faith, resolve, and passion as the day before?

Live with purpose and intent. Create a living masterpiece. After all, it's your LIFE.

Take charge of it!

Monday, March 31, 2008

Women are impossible to please…

My French teacher back home once told me that throughout my life women would confuse me. I never understood what my teacher was telling me until today.

In a relationship, men need someone who will be their friend, companion, and lover, but on the other hand, women have no clue of what they want from a relationship. Women are difficult to please, and I must add, they are IMPOSSIBLE.

"I like you. I love you. I want to marry you." - Women use these testimonies everyday to set up a clueless ending to a relationship. If I were to tell you all the reasons why women are impossible, I would be writing forever. I plan not to do that. I'll start by saying almost 10 years ago; a friend of mine was having problems in his relationship. His girlfriend ended their relationship for no apparent reason.

The only answer she could give my friend was that she felt things between them weren't the same. She concludes by saying it's not that serious. If you ask me, she has no clue what she wants. In relationships, it's just like a woman to leave a man clueless. The man is expected to know what she is thinking at all times.

Just when men think they have an idea of what their woman wants and presents them with more love than they can handle, whether the love he gives her is a special kiss or gift, she'll turn it down of course and begin to cry. When things are not going the way women expect them to, they began to cry. They'll dump you, and then begin to cry again like it's the man's fault.

Don't get me wrong, men have their faults, but that is the affect of women. Women are the number one reason many men "play" them. Because of women, men now find it necessary to have several women instead of one in their road of becoming a real man and marry one of them. If one is being difficult to handle, then there are others to "play" with.

Women criticize men for doing this, but if only they knew it is their doing that causes a man to break down, become single, and mess around. Men are tired of trying to satisfy women who are in need of "more" in a relationship, so they seek those women who do not mind a little less love from men. The answer is simple. Women are being used because they are difficult to handle.

Time ago I was in a relationship where everything was nearly perfect. I have spoiled this girl, and she made me look like a fool. Her actions were what made me think back to what my French teacher told me. She commented on how confusing women would be, but she mentions nothing of how impossible women were. My French teacher was a woman too. So, think abut it. I'm figuring she didn't want to mention it because she was one as well.

The type of women that bother me the most is the type in marriage relationships. The man is in charge of the household meaning pressure and stress is already pounding on his back, but here comes the woman not to lend a hand, but to pound on his back as well. "Where are you going? Where have you been all day? Why didn't get me this like I ask? It only cost nine hundred and fifty dollars." The questions are continuous.

There are comments that follow these questions such as, "Honey, guess what. Our two month anniversary is next month." To men this is funny to hear because Valentine's Day and his birthday are a month later, but she says this anyway. But as a male I do not see a problem.

As long as SHE's happy, everything is okay.

After reading this blog so far, most women may ask me to ask their men whether they are difficult to please. To tell the truth, no man in their right mind would say their woman is impossible. These men would be too scared of what their woman would say, too scared to hear more complaining from their woman. Deep inside, they're anxious to tell someone like me the truth; the fact that their woman is difficult to handle.

Men need to find a way to end...

Impossible is the best word that describes women. The only reason for this is that God planned it that way to test men’s patience. I know I may have over told the truth a little in this blog, but it SIMPLY describes the fact of how unpleasing woman are. I consider this subject very broad because I have yet to discuss with whoever have a question or opinion about this blog.

Feel free to comment this.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Would they curse me...?

As I sit here and stare at the Mac
I wonder who sits at my back.
If they knew what I write
would they curse me and bite
or start up some verbal attack?

Well, as I walk through the door to get outside of my office, of course to smoke out my boring day, I squeeze my eyes shut against the reflected sunlight, I thought about how I would approach this project. How to say what I need to say, without saying it in a way that has been said a thousand times, in a million-million words.

The voices in my head struggle to escape from the Microsoft word page I have opened, but there's this thing in between my thoughts and my mind. Language that I would never actually use in speaking to someone seems to just flow, driven by some primal "college survival" instinct, from my fingertips when I sit down at the word-page with an assignment in hand. This has become a real dilemma, as I now struggle for true expression and attempt to beat back the demons of 10 years worth of practice at the 'official style' of writing. LoL

I feel that I have become quite well adapted to writing the language of unbearable thoughts through out my mind. Here I come and here I go again leavening you as well with the same dilemma I have inside my mind ...

There is a stranger in my head.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Do I have Free Will?

Do I have Free Will?

After considering the evidence for the three views I have accomplished that soft determinism is best supported. I will be arguing for soft determinism with evidence presented in here

I will start out with the evidence of unconscious motivation. It is the unconscious that forces us to act out things we think are justifiable but can actually be hurtful. With the three factors of our unconscious state, the ID, super-ego and the unconscious ego, we tend to be in a tug-of-war with our mind over who has control.

With the mind being in the unconscious state we tend to make compromises in our actions. With the unconscious working, we have the freedom of free will. Once the ID is in action it puts its demands in the table and wants satisfaction while the super-ego denies the wish. We need our unconscious to mediate between the two forces otherwise our mind would be in a constant battle.

Another argument for the point would be of moral responsibility. Most of the time we have none. We are conditioned from birth with qualities of our personality, social standing and attitudes. Most people are so set on their ways that unconsciously they block out rational thought and act on what they have been programmed to do. In the unconscious state we are just bystanders to our phobia which is always in control and has already been unconsciously determined.

If most of our acts are compelled then we have no means of true freedom. Now let me tell you about free acts versus unfree acts. First, we should have a definition of both: - "free acts are caused at that moment by internal states whereas unfree acts occur due to outside forces".

A true Libertarian believes that there is no cause for anything, that everything happens as the self decides while a Determinist believes everything happens due to some outside force. The soft determinist has the right idea, that all acts are necessitated by previous causes. There are some free acts and there are some unfree acts.

We need both of these forces to guide us through life. If we go through life without worrying about a single thing then I believe that this life has been wasted, that we have just been going through some routine only to get by and then move on to something better which has been determined for us somehow. We need free acts thrown into the mix so we have some reason for living.

Right now I am acting out of free will in a way, I am writing this blog. You might say it is an unfree act because it is an assignment but I can choose not to do it. My free act is that I want to learn more by exploring this subject so I can apply myself to better things. In soft determinism we also need some unfree acts.

The moral freedom is an inner act is hard to comprehend. It is said that the act must be one of which the person judged can be regarded as the sole author. He can be held morally responsible for these acts because they have occurred from external to the self. If the self is a separate enema from the mind then all the other little pieces floating around it cannot influence it.

While there has to be determined acts out there, there still needs to be some immediate cause on the psychological state of the agent. With the external compulsions acting on the agent there seems to be some interaction with the self, which shapes the way we think. If we have the thought of free acts then there is something left to be compelled to work for...

The free will.

No Pain No Gain

Sorry guys, its time for the bitter medicine of truth: "we're jerks". We mess up, wig out, and make mistakes, say, "Don't worry, it'll never break," and then fix what just broke. We boast, show off, and try to impress girls only to wonder why they can't see how great we are.

Well, they can't see how great we are because they so often see how much of a jerk we can be. And here's a kicker, when we try not to be a jerk that is when we are most like one. We can't win; we're cursed...but maybe not.

What you probably didn't know about jerkiness is that it is a factor many women find essential in a man when they are getting serious in the date-life scene, want to marry, and produce offspring. Now I don't mean to say that a woman says to herself, "Okay, I want to get married. Where's a jerk?" Not at all. Jerkiness is appealing to women; they just don't know that it is. They often mistake jerkiness for other traits like wit, charm, and humor -- that is, with a little coaching from us guys.

This is how it works. First, girls know that guys still play with balls, can't cook, want big toys, and barely dress well (these are excellent jerk qualities, incidentally). They suspect this is due to some mental and emotional immaturities genetically imbedded in the male species (are not, are not, are not). But to a guy, proper jerkiness is a matter of style, cunning, and general clumsiness that naturally takes advantage of the woman's deficiencies (like picking a good man, for example).

Second, think of this:

Why does a man want to marry in the first place? I mean, what guy in his right mind would want to stop dating and give up all those lovely ladies just so he can be with one...for the rest of his entire life? She's going to grow old, get lots of wrinkles, and sag everywhere. Now, is that appealing? Heck no.

Marriage means no more spontaneous nights out with the guys. It means buying a house so you can scrimp and save to pay for it, just so your kids can tear it up and then leave. It means driving a station wagon instead of a Vet and buying diapers instead of C.D.'s. What kind of a guy would want a situation like that? A confused love struck jerk, that's what kind! You see, love blinds us.

Its nature's way of tricking men in the groin and forcing them to produce millions of infant it'll have more people to trick. I mean, it isn't reason that urges us into the bonds of perpetual, endless wedlock. Maybe there is an I-want-to-get-married gene in us activated by love. But the more I think about it, the more I think it is due to...

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Girl logic

"Girl logic" is the label given to describe that series of semi-consecutive feminine thoughts that favored "cute things," "soft things," and cuddly little kittens and puppies. It causes girls to act in such strange displays of behavior that the average man is stupefied in useless attempts to comprehend. The smart man quickly abandons such ventures as he soon realizes severe head pain and vertigo follow.

Each and every man has encountered this highly illusive mental game of matching wits with a woman, most often to his confusion and demise. The average male thinks too clearly, too linearly, and, therefore, can't figure women out at all. The strange marvel is that girl logic makes sense to all women.

There is, most probably, a genetic something that unites all females this way. I have seen groups of them act in behaviorist unison -- as if driven by some common cosmic feminine force -- when they encounter a jewelry department, a sale on clothes, or choosing the color of their shoes. This is all fine and dandy as long as men are excluded. But we aren't!

Every man knows the unmerited agony of being dragged into a clothes store only to have his aesthetic senses crushed into ridiculed oblivion when he says that blue blouse goes well with that green sweater. I've seen girls almost lose their lunch and stare in pathetic disbelief at some poor shlup who got cornered in the women's department and made the inexcusable blunder of commenting on how yellow and pink polka dots go together.

But a multitude of nodding male heads agreeing about the unnecessary suffering imposed upon them in ladies department stores, malls, and markets still does not negate our need to understand some of the less sophisticated nuances of girl logic. Some of these nuances are why they like flowers and cards instead of a socket-set and pliers, why they like expensive dinners instead of pizza and coke, and why their logic finally fails them when it comes to picking a date or possible marriage partner who is obnoxious and somehow interesting.

As you know, we have the opportunity of observing their behavior, and though we cannot relate, we can attempt to anticipate their actions in the hopes of using it to our advantage. All we need to do is understand the paradoxical.

But you might ask, "How can you write about that which you can't understand?" The very fact that you are asking this proves you are using "guy logic." If you were thinking (or trying to think) in girl logic, the question would never have arisen. And since this is a blog on girl logic, I won't answer it because I simply don't feel like it -- so there.

But, it is possible (upon rare moments of dynamic insight) to be able to catch a glimpse of how girl logic operates in the realm of the real world. And, although we may not be able to understand the complexities of this intricate, convoluted system, we can, with great clarity, observe its operations and effects in life.

Of course, were you a woman, this activity would be completely superfluous. But, of course, we are men, and in our attempt to persuade and win women, we need to know this system, or at the very least (which is, for men, the highest level of attainment) understand how to use it.

Lesson 1 in Girl Logic: Girls think with their hearts and not their heads.

Have you ever seen a girl around a pet store? She goes straight to the puppies and kittens. She holds them, pets them, wants them, and loves them all within 30 seconds. Now a guy would look at the underdeveloped animal species and think something like, "Hmmm. That is an infant form of white cat." Or maybe he would think, "All right, that is a brown salivating puppy. It is young, urinating, maybe six weeks old. I wonder if it could fetch."

Guys think practically; girls think emotionally. Guys say "Hmmm, I see an infant animal form." Girls say, "Oh look at him. Isn't he cute. Don't you just want to cuddle him all up. Hi, puppy, wuppy. I wuv you."

Now such diametrically opposed displays of reacting to puppyness and kittenness can be used to your advantage. When you are in a pet store with your date, or girl friend, and she heads straight to the infant-animal-forms-area, you have the opportunity to act in a non-logical, girl-logic manner. What you could do is pick up a random infant cat, if that is possible, or point to it behind the glass and say, "That kitten is cute." The girl you are with will think that you have a deep and compassionate heart, that you are a well rounded kind of guy, and that you would be great around children. Don't ask me how children got into the picture, but girls think about them a lot, especially around cute infant animal forms. When you say something positive about baby animals, girls like it. It is the way they are made. They can't help it.

Next after spying another animal form of potential infant cuteness, maybe a puppy, or rabbit, or hamster, say the same sentence again, only this time substitute the different animal type in the subject part of your previously offered sentence. Say, "That rabbit is cute." Or, "That puppy is cute." You don't have to get mushy and you don't have to ramble on about animal cuteness. Just pick out two animal forms, apply an "It is cute" sentence to it and the girl you are with will be impressed to no end. It works every time.

There is a warning here, though. Do not apply this to rodents, reptiles, or insects. Don't say, "That baby Bolivian slug rat" is cute. The girl you are with will simply stare at you in nauseated disgust and decide right there to never go out with you again. Why? because she's thinking about what your children will look like.

Lesson 2 in Girl Logic: Girls draw conclusions to a set of circumstances or events in such a manner as to completely bewilder men.

For example, you're at your girl's house or apartment. She has just gotten ready. She looks good. You both are going to the zoo. You say, "You better wear some of your not-so-good clothes because we're going to be doing a lot of walking." Of course, your girlfriend or date hears these words all right, but something bizarre happens in her hearing-processing unit. There is a little vocabulary filtering device imbedded in this unit called...

>> The Bewilder Filter <<

This is how it works. When you say a perfectly harmless sentence that contains even the slightest implication of her possessing clothes somewhat below the level of Vogue, what she hears is, "You have ugly clothes. Wear them out in public. All the walking can wear you out because you are only a girl." Now, you don't mean anything like that at all. But, as sure as frogs poop in a swamp, because of this Bewilder Filter, you are now in deep trouble.

She puts her hands on her hips and snaps at you,

"You don't like what I am wearing?" You instantly realize that the Bewilder Filter has kicked in. You think frantically for a clever sentence that will get you out of this predicament. "No, I mean yes. It's fine. Whatever you want to wear is fine. You look good."

She examines you slightly. Her bewilder filter is now working in over-drive. "Are you saying you don't like what I wear? Because if you don't then you don't have to be seen with me in public. I can always find someone who will appreciate me for what I am."

Now, what exactly happened?! I mean, what were you doing?! Nothing! Heck, you were just trying to think about her comfort and look at the consequences. Now she thinks you are an insensitive rogue, and she's threatening the old dumpster routine with you being the garbage. Of course, your facial expression looks like you've been trying to figure out quantum physics and ancient Hieroglyphics all at the same time. She then picks up on your obvious state of confusion, hurt, and dismay and quickly turns the whole charade around. "Oh," she says compassionately, "were you just trying to think about my welfare?"

You cautiously mutter a confused and careful, " . . . Yes."

You're so sweet," she says to her night in shining armor, "I do have another pair of sneakers I could wear. Perhaps you are right. I'll go put them on."

Again you are left drifting in a universe of confusion wondering what the heck happened. Were you sensitive or insensitive? Were you right or wrong? There is no way to be sure. (Sometimes I think that girls do this on purpose just to keep us confused. The only problem is I can't quite figure out if its working or not.)

The obvious conclusion is simple. When Girl Logic combines with the Bewilder Filter, watch out. You don't know what the outcome will be. So the only course of action is to be a gentleman and pray for the best. The Bewilder Filter could work to your advantage or disadvantage. Who knows? So, get ready for a ride.

Men Are the Better Sex

Let's look at a few rather important topics to prove this:

NICKNAMES - If Laura, Amie, Debra and Alexia go out for lunch, they will call each other Laura, Amie, Debra and Alexia. - If Mike, Andy, Bob and John go out, they will affectionately refer to each other as Fat Boy, Godzilla, Peanut-Pecker and Schmucko.

EATING OUT - When the bill arrives, Mike, Andy, Bob and John will each throw in $20, even though it's only for $32.50. None of them will have anything smaller, and none will actually admit they want some change back. The girls get their bill, out come the pocket calculators.

MONEY - A man will pay $2 for a $1 item he wants. A woman will pay $1 for a $2 item that she doesn't want.

BATHROOMS - A man has 6 items in his bathroom: toothpaste, toothbrush, shaving cream, razor, a bar of soap, and a towel from the Holiday Inn.; The average number of items in the typical woman's bathroom is 237.No man will be able to identify most of these items.

ARGUMENTS - A woman has the last word in any argument. Anything a man says after that is the beginning of a new argument.

CATS - Women love cats. Men say they love cats, but when women aren't looking, men kick cats.

THE FUTURE - A woman worries about the future until she gets a husband. A man never worries about the future until he gets a wife.

MARRIAGE - A woman marries a man expecting he will change, but he doesn't. A man marries a woman expecting she won't change and she does.

DRESSING UP - A woman will dress up to go shopping, water the plants, empty the garbage, answer the phone, read a book, and get the mail. A man will dress up for weddings and funerals.

NATURAL - Men wake up as good-looking as they went to bed. Women somehow deteriorate during the night.

OFFSPRING - Ah, children. A woman knows all about her children. She knows about dentist appointments and romances, best friends, favorite foods, secret fears and hopes and dreams. A man is vaguely aware of short people living in the house.

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY - Every married man should forget his mistakes. There's no use in two people remembering the same thing, is there?

LISTENING - What a woman says: "C'mon...This place is a mess. You and I need to clean. Your pants are on the floor and you'll have no clothes if we don't do laundry now." What a man hears: C'MON ... blah, blah, blah YOU AND I blah, blah, blah blah, blah ON THE FLOOR blah, blah, blah, NO CLOTHES blah, blah, blah, blah, NOW.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Oops, You Did It Again...

So you are licking your wounds. Your relationship came to a bad end. Your fairy prince turned into a swine. The romance that started magically in your dream castle ended up in a gritty sty. As for your swain, well, he ended up smelling of a number of things; but roses were not one of them.

Naturally, your confidence has been dented. Somewhere along the line your judgment was a bit skewed on that one. But you are not going to let it put you off men for life. Besides, you are the kind of woman who needs to have a man in your life.

It is all about learning from the experience, you reflect. So you take a long, hurt look at the relationship and you decide how you want the next man to be different. Maybe you will try looking for someone who is the opposite of your previous partner, or maybe you are looking for someone to sweep you off your feet and make it all all right. Either way, things look pretty promising at the start, and then you start getting a whiff of the sty all over again.

The single most powerful thing you can do to protect yourself from further heartache and confidence-bashing failure is to acquire self-awareness. You need to start becoming aware of the patterns that you keep repeating in relationships the patterns that keep attracting the wrong men.

You may enjoy playing the little woman, but resent being dismissed as a fluffy airhead. You may want your partner to be the masterful type, yet resent feeling controlled. The strengths you are looking for in a man may be an attempt to compensate for your own shortcomings. You may want a man to propel you out of your dull, routine existence into a more exciting world.

One big problem women have with relationships is that they work on their assumptions. Now, there is a huge gap that separates intuition from assumptions. Intuition is that instantaneous, inexplicable nugget of information that lands in your lap. You can choose to act on it; or ignore it, at your peril. Assumptions are the expectations that you hold of your partner, irrespective of the evidence.

Assumptions are also curiously hardy creatures. They can be proved wrong time and time again. Yet, instead of questioning the assumption, the temptation is blame the person who has disappointed your expectation. You say: He should have known: He should have done I should not have to spell it out.

It would all work perfectly if your partner had a degree in mind reading. Unfortunately, he does not. Neither do you, although you may sometimes act as if you did have. The next most accurate way to have a clear idea about what is going on is to ask questions, and keep asking. Some of the questions you might ask yourself include:

- What characteristics (not physical features) do I find attractive in him?
- Are these the same characteristics I responded to in previous partners, at the start?
- Does this person take charge of the relationships?
- Are there niggles that I feel, but do not actually discuss with him?
- Does he have a past history of people not appreciating him? Do you?
- Does he overstep boundaries by foisting opinions on you?
- Does your body go into stress mode around him, ever?
- Do you feel that things are starting to move outside your control?
- Is he moving events on faster than you might wish?
- Can you incorporate this person comfortably into your existing lifestyle, or do you have to drop people to accommodate him?

Most of women seem to treat relationships like a hot tub at the end of a hard day's work - something that looks good when they are feeling tired and grubby. So they dive straight in. They do not test the water temperature too carefully. They do not check for broken glass, baby alligators or other unforeseen hazards; because they assume they will not be there.

Generally, they exercise some thought and care when they purchase a household pet. Do you honestly take as much trouble to acquaint yourself with the needs and requirements of a prospective partner? Or do you simply plunge headfirst into the relationship? Is that another of your unhelpful patterns?

Acknowledging it is the first step on the road to kicking it.

The forced, awkward intimate situation that people like to call it DATING

I apologize to you if I don’t seem real eager to jump into forced, awkward intimate situation that people like to call it DATING.

I don’t like the feeling. You are sitting there, you’re wondering:

-Do I have food on my face?
-Am I talking too much?
-Are they talking enough?
-Am I interested? Im not really interested.
-Should I be play like I’m interested? but I’m not that interested, but I think she might be interested, but do I want to be interested, but now she’s not interested. So now all of a sudden I’m.., I’m starting to get interested.
-And when am I supposed to kiss her?
-Do I have to wait for the door? Cause then its awkward, its like well good night than
-Do you do like the ass-out kind of hug? Where you are like.., you hug each other like you have to, and the ass sticks out because you’re trying not to get too close. Or do you go right in and just kiss ‘em on the lip or don’t kiss ‘em at all?

Its very difficult trying to read the situation and all the while you’re just really wondering, are we going to get hopped enough to make some bad decisions?" And perhaps play a little game called Just the tip just for a second, just to see how it feels, or ouch, ouch, you’re on my hair.


Hey girls, great attention by the way, proud of you.

Monday, March 17, 2008

The court of friendship: Not a state of mind, ...than what?

Sometimes I write in a personal fashion, and people connect to that, which is fine, but it often creates misunderstandings that, I think, go deeply into how humans evolved, and how that evolution never anticipated a medium where a written word could be read by so many people without a connection coming back.

This leads to a sense of familiarity, which is expected, but it can also give a sense of intimacy, even friendship, which is wrong, because what's going on here is not friendship, although inside us many of the feelings that come from being a regular reader of my blogs are the same ones we feel as we are developing a friendship, in the world evolution designed us for. But this is not that world.

And with this comes a tough lesson, and unfortunately it seems, you only learn this by living, television doesn't teach it, schools don't teach it, and if you're above a certain age, our parents didn't teach it. You have to learn it by living, by thinking of someone as a friend, only to find out they don't think of you as a friend. It can be devastating, I know, I've been there myself. But all the wishing, all the manipulation, all the determination, just serves to push the would-be friend further away. Because friendship is something you choose to do, you don't do it out of a sense of obligation. To force someone to be a friend is to not have a friend.

I learned a lot about friends in my most sadness times. I learned that a friend is someone I trust to be with me when I am at my weakest and most vulnerable. And they are people who, no matter how painful it is to see, are willing to be with me when I am so helpless and weak.

Friendship is not a state of mind, it's an act. It's something you do, it's not about whether you're good or not, it's not a reflection of you; it's a balanced relationship between people. That doesn't mean it's always balanced at every moment. Sometimes you "need a friend" and other times it's the other way. It's a trust that's returned. When I was younger and thought I was in love, a friend said it's not love unless it's returned. Friendship and love are not quite the same thing, although there's a lot of love around friendship. I learned that love isn't even something about two people, it's a state of being for one person. You aren't in love, you are love. You are, whether you acknowledge it or not. The heart that's pumping blood through your body is an act of love, 24 hours a day, whether you're Mother Teresa or Adolf Hitler. (my apologies for the extreme example.)

There's a world of difference between being a friend and being a fan. I've heard people who I've never met say we're friends. And then of course when I do something they don't like, I've betrayed the supposed friendship. They're living in a dream world. It's very puzzling to be the object in the middle of this swirl of emotions, I say object because my job isn't to be truthful, my job is to be who you think I should be. Of course that's not friendship, that's torture.

When a friend changes you can find the bond that's connecting you at a deeper level. The surface stuff isn't a good thing to depend on. Physical bodies change as they grow. So do emotional bodies and intellectual ones. Take a deep breath. People move, life is more like a wild dance than a ceremony. You just can't tell what's coming next."

So if you find yourself trying to intimidate someone into not changing, then my lovely virtual friends, that is not friendship, that is cruelty.

One thing I feel needs to be said is that there are many other relationships that aren't friendship that are still positive. There are many people I admire who aren't friends. I work with lots of people who aren't friends. In fact, I often think it's a bad idea to work with your friends (more on that another time).

The world isn't divided into two parts — friends and enemies. I choose to think of friend as a very strong word, representing a very close relationship. I think this may be in part due to what I do, because I need a good solid line separating the way I present my self before you while reading my blogs and the way I am around my friends, relatives. A friend is a personal relationship. I like and admire many people who I don't consider friends.

A person who is more likely to be a friend-that-was than a friend-for-life, is that person quotes anonymous people who say they were my friend but I betrayed them. That's such a huge turnoff, which usually wakes me up in an instant. A friend would never even consider saying something like that, because it's so objectifying, so impersonal, so unfair, and so un-friendly. In a court of law you're entitled to cross-examine your accusers. Same in the court of friendship.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Writing is a Technology that Restructures Thought

Writing and reading are two essential skills that we need to have in order to succeed in any field of study that we have chosen. Without these two we would not be here, wouldn’t be writing right now and would be considered the lowest class of our society.

To us there are different ways that we excel at. Some of us are creative enough to write short stories or even novels on fiction while others, like me, are better at writing essays or blogs. To accomplish this we have all a person(s) to inspire us, to drive us, to get us over the hump of confidence that we need to succeed. Still to be successful we need to count on ourselves to succeed.

I for one am better at writing essays/blogs on a topic than writing a short story about something fiction. To me that is a problem sometime, I am not creative enough to write stories even about my life, but I do excel at writing to a given purpose such as a topic.

I feel stronger at essays/blog than at any other part of my writing abilities. When I start writing short stories I feel lost, I confuse myself because I think too much in the way I want.

My style is affected by my mood, intended audience, knowledge on the topic, attitude toward the topic; environment and state of consciousness-- give or take. Some may even say that the movement of the moon changes ones ability to bring words together. But that is not the whole story.

Given a group of fifty students, all generally similar, put in the same environment, taught by the same teacher using the same techniques (etc), you will have fifty different styles. In this light, the argument about the essence of style is very much like the nature verses nurture argument. I believe that a certain amount of ones style is just how they are hardwired.

Writing is, at its core, a technology. It allows us to take our thoughts and arrange them spatially in the physical world. Living in a culture where this practice is an every day occurrence, the physical nature of writing fluidly becomes part of our consciousness.

Writing as it exists in this world can be interpreted an infinite amount of ways. Some believe it to be communication, some self expression. Some believe that it is a tool to explain one self, others think it complicates things.

For me, writing is used for remembering things so that you can eventually communicate with yourself and others about what you thought at a previous time. If you can talk without confusing, then you can write without confusing. It is as simple as that.

In order for someone to become a good writer, that entire person has got to do is make sense of their feelings by writing them down in a fashion that is understood by those who one wishes to communicate with.

That is, tell the people what you have got to say and explain it so that they can understand. If you do not, you fail as a writer because no one can understand you or what you are saying. If you want to be a good writer, you must make it so that the public can understand it.

Note: I hope I was good enough to explain who I am when it comes to my writing skills. Thanks for taking the time and reading this.