Thursday, December 20, 2007

Why Women Lie?

I’d like to talk this time about “Why women lie”.

Without any doubts women lie, and to be more specific, very often. Though they much more easily can catch a lying men – he said that was organized an important party with the clients in his workplace, but he just gone to the gin-shop in the city with his friends. Or he boasts about his skills in papering walls, but he only damaged the room. Or he swears he had taken a dog for a walk though actually he was watching a basketball match.

We, men lie 4-5 times more than women. But the women do everything in a professional way, because they can be pompous of having a great oratory skill. The secret is simple.

The psyche of the human who is telling lie kind of resolves into two parts: – the one, which knows the truth and the other which tells fish stories. For this reason many pauses emerge in a speech and men usually fulfill it with various “hmm”, “eee”, ect. While the women’s stream of perception is so rapid that they doesn’t need to make any breaks. Even when they haven’t prepared to provide an excuse actually.

I think women lie in order to make her company feel comfy, while men lie by seeking to create a better image about themselves. In addition, women feel the borders of tactical lie very delicate. Mostly they spray in an elegant way without making others to feel angry or offended. Sadly, but the lie of men often is very bold, rough and hurtful.”

Have you ever noticed (all you guys out there) that women learn and fall into a habit to tell a lie by saying the things that “WE”, men want to hear?

One thing is true. Women lie, because they don’t feel safe. They usually minimize the quantity of her partners and maximize the age speaking about her first time. This could be considered as a consequence of public belief that girl should be naïve and faithful. It is like an inside wish of all the men.

Women seek for the acceptance not only in the workplace, but also in the circle of her friends. They hide the mistakes and emphasize the episodes of success. For this reason even the easiest works they describe as very hard, demanding the struggle and intellectual skills. For the same appreciation women lie about their appearance.

In all this crappie words I said before, I would like to highlight the idea that at some point is without doubt “US” the ”male” species that indicate in the habit of women lying.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

The difference between making love and having sex

I used to think there was no difference between making love and having sex. That distinction seemed wholly fabricated by the evil unit responsible for many women's magazines and Harlequin romance-style novels.

You see, I am a man. That means I have needs, and any time that happens, it managed to find a little female companionship, well, call it what you will, but it was all good. Pretty much. Cuddle afterward — or don't. Show up with flowers next time — or don't. Phone the next day — or don't.

Some people might choose to argue over semantics. I, on the other hand, was busily engaged in trying to help my self find a new female vacation spot.

Let me explain:

You see, I have fallen for this girl once, in a big way (not anymore though). Suddenly, I knew there was a difference — and what, exactly, that difference was. It's not that we don't get "fast and furious". Rather, for the first time, I am profoundly aware that making love is fundamentally a process — a long, unbelievably enticing, terribly wonderful encounter that's all about discovering every possible way two people can connect sexually.

Even better, the more in love you are, the more ways to connect.

Sex, on the other hand, is about two people using one another to get off, which is fine and good. But making love is a journey of utter pleasure that is only possible when you increasingly cannot imagine not having that person in your life.

Still confused? Just refer to this handy list I've devised:

Making Love: You can't wait to wake up with her.
Having Sex: You can't wait to wake up.

Making Love: You talk and giggle into the small hours.
Having Sex: You have little to say other than, "So, our sex organs really fit together there, now don't they."

Making Love: You wake up staring into her opalescent blue eyes.
Having Sex: You wake up staring at her (um, I forget what color) eyes.

Making Love: You wonder how you ever got through the night without holding and kissing her.
Having Sex: You wonder how you're going to get through the night without holding and kissing Smelly, your loyal, prodigiously slobbering Great Dane–pit bull mix.

Still confused? Well, sorry so am I after I read this blog. Lol

Friday, November 2, 2007

Why do we spend our time like this?

We do not claim to be better people, or more clever or wiser than others, just that we have discovered a way of life that not everyone has heard about. Some have heard, but have not given it a try. Some think it is boring, old fashioned or just plain weird.

We started by realizing that however hard we try, we are not going to succeed on our own. As we think about life in this world we come to realize that it is far to complex to have evolved by accident - we think there must be a “maker” behind it somewhere.

We agree with the suggestion that if you were walking along a forest path and you found a watch lying on the ground you would have to assume that somewhere there was a watchmaker. We think that there is a real God who is behind the creation of the world and all us people in the world.

We think that God intended life in the world to be good, and that he did not want all the problems that there are. But it has been spoilt over the years.

Usually if anything is not working properly the first thing to do is to look at the maker's instruction book. We know that book as the Bible, and we try to understand from it how we should live so that things will go better.

We find that life does go much better once we have found how to know God as a personal friend and helper. Still over the centuries people try to create their own little world without God’s help, and only when they have no other realistic choice than they find the power to call GOD.


Sunday, October 7, 2007

Should We Break Up?

I know that breaking up with someone is the hardest thing to do. But let me tell you something: Your heart will tell you when something isn't right!!

GO by that HONESTLY. When I was younger, before I met my lovely wife, I've been in relationships and still some how I knew right than that something wasn’t functioning, as it was suppose to.

The truth of the matter is, you know when your heart skips a beat when you see that person, and you know when your heart doesn't. People act like they can change how they feel. You CAN'T change how you feel and if you could, people wouldn't have the problems in relationships they do. If you feel like maybe this truly isn't what you want in a relationship, it's time to leave.

I know it's hard especially if you have been with them for a long time, or are worried about finding that right person, or for the fear of being alone. And the answer to that is that's normal. You may be afraid, but the longer you drag a unhappy relationship, the more unfair it is to the other person. Or you can stay with them, and always think well what if I broke up with them when I first had these feelings? The longer you stay with them the harder it will be for them, and that’s not fair to either of you.

Love is a two way street, you either want to love them and be with them, or do both of you a favor and get out. When you start to fall out of love Bad things can happen, cheating is the number one of things that happens when you fall out of love. And if you cheat that is a Red flag that that person really isn't for you. You don't hurt people you love and if you do you don't love them.

I believe there are a lot of readers here that are in this situation. I’ve been before my self. I know is hard but if you already like someone else and want to grow a relationship with him/her than the best thing to do is: TELL YOUR PARTNER - ’It is over”. No matter how hard it might be at first, he/she will understand later on.

Don’t be scared to do the right thing no matter how hard it is, in the right moment. Everything happens for a reason. Maybe it is the time for you to move on…

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Wake Up Call

I hope you like Phil Collins, because that is what I am serving here today.

This is the Lyric from one of his songs.

Wake Up Call

This is your wake up call... young hearts be free

Get up, get on, get out about and shout it
Tell 'em all you're dressed and on your way
Oh there's absolutely no doubt about it
This is your wake up call
You're gonna miss it all

Am I the only one out there that's listening
Cos it's such a lovely noise that I can hear
Eyes are opening up to all around them
This is their wake up call
They're gonna miss it all

Can you feel what's happening here
Everything is changing all around you
It's in the air, electricity
Everybody, yes everybody's waking up
Good morning to you

You're not the only one out there who's running
But the man who's sitting next to you's asleep
So pick him up and shake him till he hears you
This is his wake up call
He's gonna miss it all

Can you feel what's happening here
Everything is changing all around you
It's in the air, electricity
Everybody, yes everybody's waking up
Good morning to you

Those who've done all they can do sleep easy
Those that turn away, they sleep alone
But there's no doubt about it absolutely
This is a wake up call
We 're gonna miss it all

This is your wake up call
This is your wake up call
This is your wake up call
You're gonna miss it
You're gonna miss it all

Enjoy it.

I already did!

Thursday, March 15, 2007

I'm telling you for the last time!

Okay people! I'm telling you for the last time.

Yesterday my best friend came from Chicago, so I had to be generous with him. I took him a few places. We know each other for a very long time, and always tell each other almost about anything.

I remember when he got married a few years ago, and heck I sure do remember his divorce too. Hell of a life eh?

Okay than lets start.

I am not a fun of "so-called" experts. How do they think? What do they think, and the most important how the hell they go along with girls as easy as looking for toilette paper in a drag-mart store.

I know for a fact that everyone of us always try to cover and hide the mystery of dating, because we never know actually what is going to happen anyway. The journeys of dating can various from a 5-star outstanding adventure to a slow shitty bus ride.

Anyway, this friend of mine is being so mad about him self, (and, God I hope he doesnt read this Lol) he is anxious about being single for a relatively long time.

At first, this is normal for all of us, but please being single is not a desperate situation.

I listened to his story and to be honest with you, I told him this: - "Sometime the best thing to think, is NOT to think at all". He gave me a look like I was coming from another planet.

I mean, who cares anymore that on our first date a guy should be very careful about what he says. What is more important to be careful, choose our words and than later one our partner to discover that we are full of shit and nothing more..?

I my self, hate this kind of girls, who always expect guys to be the mood of the first date. Make them laugh, keep them interested about what is going on etc.. I say NO.

Spontaneous is my weapon and if you dont like it, that is not my problem. Dont you think you are looking for more than you are giving.

I know that there are certain unspoken, unwritten rules, but hey, rules are made so we can break them and feel happy about it.

Lets get back to my friends reality. He was telling me that he ruined a couple of dates, cause he wasnt being an interesting guy. Hack of a situation eh..?

I still dont understand why some girls look at their first date like a very careful step.

Hey, It is a goddamn date not your last day in earth.

At some point we all are looking for ways to take control of our life, whether is our relationship or else. Daily challenges have a way of overwhelming us, making life harder. Is that what we need to do?

I know in my life, Ive been in my friend s situation, but believe it or not, I think I got my remedy. I remember I heard one quote once: - "To dream of the person you would like to be, is to waste the person you are". Pretty hard achievement eh? Well, deal with it. I did!

I know I'm keeping you here stuck with me, to figure out where am I going, so lets cut the chit chat.

I'm telling you, like I told my friend for the last time:


  1. Always speak the truth.
  2. Ask your self what you really want.
  3. Take responsibilities for your experiences.
  4. Keep your agreement.
  5. Add good-feeling to your life.
  6. Be self-worth in your life.
  7. Ad creativity to your life.
  8. Live in an existent, hand-touchy reality.

Whether its heaven or hell, we are the ones who created our life. We are the ones who constantly struggle with relationships, career, etc. People say life is hell but life I think never was meant to be a struggle.

Finally: If you don't like my statement, munch my shit. If youre still unhappy, sue me. He.., I already got my point. I killed you...

Have a nice life!!!

Thursday, February 1, 2007

It’s been a long time coming

It’s been more than a few days, since I heard this song, and I can not get rid of it. I don’t know, probably is me or the season coming. I thought I can share it with you. Who knows, it might come handy for someone.

It’s been a long time coming

Everyone wants to be loved

Every once in a while.

We all need someone to hold on to,

just like a helpless child.

Can you whisper in my ear?

Let me know.It’s all right.

It’s been a long time coming

Down that road.

And, I know

What I’ve been waiting for,

Like a lonely highway

I’m trying to get home

Love.., it’s been a long time


You can love for a life time.

You can love for e day.

You can think you got everything

But, everything is nothing.

Than, you look in my eyes.

Than I have it all once again.

It’s been a long time coming

Down this road.

And, now I know

What I’ve been waiting for..

Didn’t know I was lost

Till you find me

Didn’t know I was blind

But, now I see.

Can you whisper in my ear?

Let me know. It’s all right

It’s been a long time searching for,

Long time coming home...