Friday, February 29, 2008

It's Not What Happened.. it is what you do about it..

It's Not What Happened...
It's What You Do About It That Makes The Difference!

A major reason a lot of people don't go after their dreams is they spend too much of their valuable time dwelling on what has happened in the past. They use up their precious, present moments mulling over the things they can't do anything about.

It doesn't matter whether the events that took place in your past were good or bad, favorable or unfavorable, there's absolutely nothing you can do to change them now.

The most productive thing you can do with past events is to accept each one as a learning experience, and use the lessons to help you make better decisions and take better actions toward your goals and aspirations.

If you don't learn from your past mistakes and experiences, you'll likely end up committing them again. One of the most harmful things you can do is to repeat a past mistake because you didn't learn from it the first time. It's fine to make mistakes. That's how we, as human beings, learn and grow.

Remember, it took Thomas Edison more than 10,000 tries before he invented the incandescent lamp (light bulb). This great inventor knew it was OK to make mistakes, as long he learned from each one. Can you imagine where we would be today if he hadn't learned from his past errors and kept repeating them 10,000 times? We might still be using candles.

Please always remember these two universal truths:

  1. The past is the past and it's gone forever. There's nothing you (or anyone else) can do to bring it back.
  2. The only things that will make a difference in your life are the actions you take today. Examine your past events, learn from each one of them, and then take new actions to create the future of your dreams.

I know it's easier said than done. You may be saying, "There's no way I can forget what that person did to me in the past." I understand how you feel. But you know what? One of the main reasons you're having such a hard time letting go of the past is that you dwell on it so much.

You see, whatever you focus on, you'll get more of it. So if you constantly think about the things you don't want, you'll just end up receiving more of what you don't want. The first step toward getting what you want is to be proactive. If you start focusing on the things you want more of, eventually, you'll have more of them.

If you really want to change your life, then adopt the belief that...

"It's Not What Happened To Me, It's What
I Do About It That Makes The Difference!"

When you begin living your life with this new, empowering belief, you'll notice some very positive, even significant, changes right away.

Today, instead of getting frustrated at past events, I simply accept each one of them as a learning experience, and I use this newfound knowledge to create my ideal future. You can also use this mighty belief to build a better life, now and in the future.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Beware of your Gunless friend!

The dangerous people are not the ones
Who hit you with clubs and rob you with guns!
The thief won't attack your character traits
Or deride your abilities to your face!
It likely will be a well-meaning friend
Who merely crushes your will to win.

No, he doesn't rob you, at point of gun,
He simply says, "It can't be done."
When pointed to thousands who already are
He smiles and says, "They're superior!"
Personality-wise, and abilities, too,
They're way ahead of what others can do!"

It matters not that his words are untrue
For, you feel "others" must know you!
So, you're robbed of your hopes, your dreams to succeed.
Robbed of the material blessing received,
Robbed of your faith that says, "I can."
And robbed by an ignorant, gunless friend.

So, the deadliest of men is not he with a gun,
But the one who tells you "It can't be done!"
For that taken by burglars can be gotten again.
But, what can replace your will to win?

Thay mirror!

I sometime wonder who the guy is whose face I examine every morning in the large mirror when I shave before I go to work. In some ways I do feel as if I know him, but only on a superficial level: the same way we think we know the actors in our favorite soap operas. We may know every explicit detail of the lives of the characters, but the true personality of the actor themselves is a huge mystery which we have little or no hope of ever solving.

A mirror's sole purpose is to reflect. In my case, though, as I would say in most cases , mirrors seem to reflect my/our persona rather than my/our personality. This, thankfully, indicates that the mirror sees only what the rest of the world does; exactly what I/we want to be seen.

The mirror is important in everyones life. This is not to say that most of our spare time is spent gazing lovingly into it, rather that it is with the help of our mirror that we adopt our outward persona every morning. While standing in front of it I transform myself from the everyday world-face me to the outgoing, bubbly, mature creature I wish I really was everyday.

Take the mask away people. Thay mirror will help you. Let me see the blood pouring out your face, from the real you. I can taste from here the smell of the inner you, the smell of inner me.

It hurts.

it feels good.

I will enjoy it.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008 let's fall in love, shall we?

Sometimes I lie awake at night, and I ask: -"Where have I gone wrong?" Then a voice says to me: - "Oh GOD..., this is going to take more than one night" Hehehe

Oh well I say and keep thinking what she said to me: - "You will never find anyone like me again!" I'm thinking, - "I should hope not! If I don't want you, why in the GOD's name would I want someone like you again"


Have you ever been in love? Horrible isn't it? It makes you so vulnerable. It opens your chest and it opens up your heart and it means that someone can get inside you and mess you up. You build up all these defenses, you build up a whole suit of armor, so that nothing can hurt you, then one stupid person, no different from any other stupid person, wanders into your stupid life...You give them a piece of you. They didn't ask for it. They did something dumb one day, like kiss you or smile at you, and then your life isn't your own anymore. Love takes hostages. It gets inside you. It eats you out and leaves you crying in the darkness, so simple a phrase like 'maybe we should be just friends' turns into a glass splinter working its way into your heart. It hurts. Not just in the imagination. Not just in the mind. It's a soul-hurt, a real gets-inside-you-and-rips-you-apart pain. lets fall in love, shall we?

Give me, woman, thy little truth!

Everything in woman is a riddle, and everything in woman hath one solution- it is called pregnancy. Man is for woman a means: the purpose is always the pleasure and than the child. But what is woman for man? Two different things wanted the true man: danger and diversion. Therefore He wanted thy woman, as the most dangerous plaything. Man shall be trained for war, and woman for the recreation of the Warrior: all else is folly.

Too sweet fruits - the warrior didn't like it. Therefore he liked thy woman; - bitter is even the sweetest woman. Better than man doth woman understand children, but man is more

childish than woman. In the true man there is a child hidden: it always wants to play. Up then, ye women, and discover the child in man! A plaything let woman be, pure and fine like the precious stone, Illumined with the virtues of a world not yet come.

Let the beam of a star shine in your love! Let your hope say: - "May I bear the Superman!" In your love let there be velour! With your love shall ye assail him who inspired you with fear!

In your love be your honor! Little doth woman understand otherwise about honor. But let this be your honor: always to love more than ye are loved, and never be the second.

Let man fear woman when she loved: then makes she every sacrifice, and everything else she regarded as worthless. Let man fear woman when she feel angry: for man in his innermost soul is merely evil; woman, however, is mean. Whom hated woman most? - Thus spoke the iron to the loadstone: - "I hate thee most, because thou attracts, but art too weak to draw unto thee."

The happiness of man is, "I will." The happiness of woman is, "He will."

"LoL! "LoL! Now hath the world become perfect?"- Thus thought every woman when she obeyed with all her love. Obey, must the woman, and find a depth for her surface. Surface is woman's soul, a mobile, stormy film on shallow water.

Man's soul, however, is deep, its current gushed in subterranean Caverns: woman surmised its force, but comprehended it not. Strange! How little we know about woman, and yet how right we are about them! Doth this happen, because with women nothing is impossible? And now accept a little truth by way of thanks my followers!

"Give me, woman, thy little truth!

"Thou goes to women? Do not forget thy whip!"-

Monday, February 25, 2008

The WHO the WHERE and more...

They call me Dr. Zhivago!

Pay strict attention to what I say because I choose my words carefully and I never repeat my self.

I have told you my name. That is the "WHO". The "WHERE" could most readily be described as cubicle office somewhere in USA. But there is a vast difference between being stuck in a tine little office and being in a real prison office. The "WHAT" is easy. Last week I planned and set in motion events to execute. The perfect runaway escape. That is also the WHEN. As for the "WHY", beyond the spiritual motivation, it is exceedingly simple: Because I could which, leaves us only with the "HOW". And therein, as the Bard would tell us lay the free will.

We all are the sum. of the choices we make and sometime we choose the easy path and make things we later regret. And when we make a wrong choice and do the wrong thing we are stuck with it forever.

You can obviously ask me who did the wrong thing I'm here to right? Hehehe...., pretty clever. I am not here to set anything right. I am here because I enjoy it.

Through the time people had called me "crazy" and "unusual" besides the good words. "Unpredictable" is the most lovely humanly compliment you can always serve me from time to time. If that...

Good day everyone!

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Do you think.....?

Do you think? When was the last time you really sat down and thought about something? Was it a few minutes, days ago or a few months ago? We are so reliant on someone else thinking for us that we have become a co-dependent culture.

Did you wake up this morning or are you still dreaming? Or are you possibly in a computer generated and controlled world that will keep you there until you wake up?

Are people fond of you or do people hate you? Maybe as you were walking past that person this morning and you said hi and they smiled and waved back, they were just doing it to make you go away. Or maybe they have a crush on you.

Is there really an afterlife or do you just die and cease to exist? A Heaven? A Hell? And ghosts. Are they there? Are they what give you the shivers when you're waking up in the middle of the night, wondering if someone is lurking around the corner? ALiens? Do they exist or are they just some media generated piece of America's collection of dreams?

If they do exist, are they of higher level of intelligence, lower, or the same? Would they be out to harm us, be friendly, or just be like us? Would they be us? Maybe they have blue skin, twenty tentacles on their head, and purple hair. Or maybe they look just like us and exist in some far corner of the universe. And, yes, the universe.

Have you ever thought about how far the universe goes? Does it ever end? Maybe if one went far enough they'd reach some place of being beyond a human's comprehension? Wormholes also referred to as "black holes" ; there is a theory that states that if someone were to be sucked into one that they would be "speghettified" meaning that they would be stretched into an impossible length to be accomplished on earth.

If they were to also be sucked through to the other end, would they end up at another place in time, maybe 100.000 years in the future or 200,000 years in the past? Black holes have such a strong gravitational force that they suck light away. Where does the light go?

Where do all the missing socks in the dryer go? If you could go back to being a baby in your mother's womb, would you be able to realize what was going on and would you remember it for the rest of your life or for a short period of time? If you went back in time to the age of two years, by the time you got to the age of 16, would you be any smarter? Or would everything simply be remedial? Just a thought for those of you out there who haven't really sat down and had a good thought today...

Friday, February 22, 2008

What if nothing exists and we are all in somebody's dream?

What if nothing exists and we are all in somebody's dream? Or what's worse, what if only that fat ass girl with an ugly face in the third row exists?

Wouldn’t that be a disaster? Let’s not get to cocky. I’m just saying my friends because I am allowed to. The best reason for having dreams is that in dreams no reasons are necessary so, not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted.

Relax and breathe. You are living too even though the fat ass girl now is stuck in your small mind and messing it.

Sometime I do not feel gratified to believe that the same God who has gifted us with sense, motivation, and intellect has intended us to decline their use but lets not open that would. Most of the time WE DO and this is true even though we always tend to decline it.

I always loved talking or writing about dreams and the way they affect us. I mean what in the Gods names are these dreams for..? We think and we think over and over this and never get to a spot where everything is clear enough. I can say that our thoughts are in fact dreams. The reason we don’t believe that is that we haven’t tried them yet.

Our dreams drench us in senses, and senses steps us again in dreams. Is this a joke or a real statement? How many times we woke up in the morning and said to our self: -Wow that was weird.., I though about making out with her last night and boom it happened in my dream so quick. (What an example .Anyway...LoL)

To accomplish great things we must not only act but also dream, not only plan but also believe and to believe in one's dreams is to spend all of one's life asleep. Hehehe.. Not really folks, just focus and you will get my point. We all know that nothing great in the world has ever been accomplished without passion. Think about all this as once was just a dream. It sounds funny doesn’t it? Everything is funny as long as it is happening to somebody else but try to wear my burden and you will experience the influence of my dream.

Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence. Oversleeping will never make one's dreams come true. Don’t get me wrong I love sleeping but I hate when you snore while reading this.

My friends: - Dream lofty dreams, and as you dream, so shall you become. Your vision is the promise of what you shall one day be; your ideal is the prophecy of what you shall at last unveil. Don’t you love this?!

I once heard that the first ingredient of success -- the earliest spark in the dreaming youth -- if this; dream a great dream.

Huh.., I see the fat ass ugly girl is getting closer. I’m getting out of here.

Barking thoughts about women

I chased a girl for two years only to discover that her tastes were exactly like mine: I was right. We were both crazy about girls. I moved on....

I thought maybe I could get married so I was so close when suddenly heard a voice in my head: - "Why would you wanna make one woman so miserable when you can make so many women very happy?" I moved on....

As I was walking down the street I saw a woman wearing a sweatshirt with "Guess" on it. I said, 'Thyroid problem?' I laughed.. I walked away. I think everyone knows that a woman knows she's wearing the right dress, when her man wants to take it off.

Once again to this marriage shit... Instead of getting married again, I'm just going to find a woman I don't like and just give her a house. Maybe I am wrong but I am a man and that is what we do. I surely know that a woman's guess is much more accurate than a man's certainty but what else is new now days. Behind every successful man is a woman, behind her is his wife.

A girl phoned me the other day and said ... Come on over, there's nobody home. I went over. Nobody was home. Gee I love science fictions

Women have a passion for mathematics. They divide their age in half, double the price of their clothes, and always add at least five years to the age of their best friend. So after realizing this I found out that I always dated 25 years old girls. Hm., isnt that a coincidence?

Well I have to move on again. There is a dog barking on the street and I dont know why it reminds me of this saying: - "Guys are like dogs. They keep coming back. Ladies are like cats. Yell at a cat one time....they're gone."

Oops, there is a cat walking besides the dog. What a life..?

Thursday, February 21, 2008

On the devil’s side.....

I am sure inside all of us there is god and there is bad. I am dumping my bad out. Stay tight; this ride has no coming back. You are with me now.

Do you know how this all thing works? You've got enemies you never heard of. …and now? Now you're down? I'd prepare for a class-A, BIG season pig-fuck. You're going to have to ask yourself who you really trust. Who do you trust, if you really do trust anyone?

I'll tell you, my friend, because I know you're into divinity. When you've seen -- when you've represented -- when you've dealt with as many people as I have over the years, finally you say to yourself, 'God must have been awfully bored.'

Choice. The opportunity to mess up. Talk about entertainment value. You're right about one thing... I have been watching. Couldn't help myself. Watching, waiting, holding my breath. But I'm no puppeteer, my friend.

... I don't make things happen. Doesn't work like that. Free will -- it's like butterfly wings -- one touch and it never gets off the ground. I only set the stage. You pull your own strings.

Yes, I might be a sinner. I fucked your girlfriend. On a scale of One to Ten, Ten being the most depraved acts of sexual theater, One being an average Friday night run-through at the Dr. Zhivago household, I'd say...Six. (Hahaha….)

Wow, you are getting mad at me. You are pulling the trigger at me. Whoa... Got me! Damn! (heheh…………) That's my friend. Step on up! Stay angry! Keep hold to that great fury! Hang on tight, because it's the final fig leaf.

You have the right to ask me. Who am I..? Well I have so many names but that is not important right now.

You loved you Girlfriend though? Hey, it's not that you didn't care for her, it's just you were a little bit more involved with someone else. Yourself!

Excuse me..? What the hell do I know about love?

Bio-chemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate. Don't be such a fucking chump. There's only one real sickness in all of creation and that is self-delusion.

I told you to take care of your girlfriend once -- that the world would understand. And you made a choice. You wanted to fuck more and more…

You know what scares me, my friend? After every girl you fuck, you get better at it and I hate you for it... Remember? You cheated yesterday too. It was a blast I am sure but what next...? I see you have another girl for tonight too. Are you sure..?

Exactly! Vanity is definitely my favorite sin. ( I am sure you have heard this before) Self love. It's so basic. What a drug. Cheap, all-natural, and right at your fingertips. Pride. That's where you're strongest. And believe me, I understand. Work for someone else? -- Hey, I couldn't hack it. 'Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven.' And what do I want from you? What do I want? I want you to be yourself!

God's your prankster, my friend. Think of it. He gives man instincts. He gives you this extraordinary gift and then, I swear to you -- for his own amusement -- his own private, cosmic gag reel -- he sets the rules in opposition. It's the goof of all time.

Look but don't touch.

Touch but don't taste.

Taste but don't swallow.

And while you're jumping from one foot to the other he's laughing his sick fucking ass off! He's a tight-ass. He's a sadist. He's an absentee landlord! Worship that? your choise.

I'm here, on the ground, with my nose in it since the whole damn thing began. Why? Because I worship man himself. And it's my time now. Our time.

Free will. It's a bitch. The only thing I am afraid of… (huh...)

What did you say..? What am I offering?

I'm offering bliss. Instant bliss. Bliss by remote control. Bliss on tap. that first line of cocaine. That walk into a strange girl's bedroom.

Freedom. Revolution! Viva la causa!

Don't be too hard on yourself. You're coming out, guns blazing.

NOTE: impressed by a movie!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Who we match with and why…?

Match? Is there such a thing? Who do we match with? I think the first issue is to know who we are and what we are about. Once we know this then we can work out whom we can possibly match with.

That innocent comment is where a lot of people fall down. I am often surprised how little people take a good look at themselves. You may feel that you perfectly suit Brad Pitt or Pamela Anderson but then do you really know that much about them as people, and would they go for someone like you?

Sure we often want to match ourselves with people of certain look and physical properties and that is entirely natural. However if we weigh 300 lb. and have never seen the inside of a gym then I think its fair to say that we may not be the perfect match to a sportsman or a model. Why? Well simply because nature tells us that we match with likes. On a base level we are here, says nature, to procreate and so we select consequently.

Matching with someone on a simply physical level is not enough to last. Sex is a part of any relationship to some degree so looks do matter, even if to a small amount. I often hear some people say that appearance is not important to them and I am always impressed. What they really mean is that looks are not important as along as you like the look of that person already. Looks are only ever important if you do not!

The sentence 'The beauty comes from within...' came to mind for a second.

We all discuss, chat, talk, debate, joke, laugh, etc. and it is all because we are identifying with each other and building the basics of an emotional bond. It may be found in a shared experience or hobby, activity or event. It may be found in opposing powerful views discovered in conversation accompanied by profound respect and deep-seated desire to extend this connection further. It may be that we share the same type of pet, a similar liking for certain foods even similar books we read, but they are emotional connections that are essential in establishing any connection. As we can see, initial matching is a complex scenario.

The next important factor in any match is location. I could match with someone right now in Australia, but unless I am in Australia then it doesnt help me begin a relationship. I may consider flying to Australia to meet my match but then can I sustain my match and help us grow? Well of course that depends on the two individuals involved, their circumstances, position, age, regularity of meeting and planned future. The reality as we know for single people is that long distance matches tend not to work unless both parties come together quite quickly after meeting

One thing often overlooked in matching with someone is humor. Yes we often specify that someone must have a great sense of humor. And everyone reading this will say, yes they have a great sense of humor. What makes one person laugh does not make another person laugh. And yet I watch so many people co-exist without every laughing together and it makes me sad. A solid relationship will have moments where common laughter is essential, where the sense of humor between two people is almost unspoken. That I believe is one of the key ingredients in any true match. You may really be attracted to someone but if they dont make you laugh you may be wasting your time.

Background sometimes has an influence in a good matching scenario because it has prepared you both with similar social experiences and belief systems. This may be true of schooling, parental experiences; locations lived in, travel undertaken, or even just activities and sports accomplished. This is a wide area and there are no definite but we do know from decades of surveys and evidence that people do tend to stay romantically within their own social strata. This means that people stay with those who they feel most comfortable with. This may be because their common experience and understanding promotes the feeling of a good match.

Outlook on life really is underestimated. If you both have the same goals in life you may make a great match. If you have differing career goals, travel plans, ambitions and personal goals, you could be wasting your time together. There is a huge temptation to offer to compromise when you really meet someone you feel you match with. Whatever it is, the more you share, the stronger your match is likely to be.

So in the end we meet someone. We like the look of them and they like the look of us, we laugh and chat together, we build an emotional link through conversation and knowledge and we are attracted to each other on multiple levels. We find we have a shared experience through our backgrounds and we share similar outlook on life and oh yes, we live in the same neighborhood. Match made in heaven? Perhaps, and possibly not.

Love is not just about matching; it is about instant chemistry, something enigmatic and mysterious, not quantifiable. For all the right reasons we can fall in love in an instant with the wrong people and then again, we can simply not find it within us to love someone who appears so right.

And for that, I have no answer.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Basic principles: How to sweep a woman off her feet !

So what do you say I tell you a little bit what is really going on in your head ladies and better yet tell my buddies how they can easily get a woman "swept off her feet"?

I'm sure you are dying to read this, cause is coming from a guy's head and as most of you say: "Men are good for nothing" well let see if you agree with me in this one:

Basic principles: No woman wakes up saying: - "God, I hope I don't get swept off my feet today." Now, she might say: - "This is a really bad time for me." Or something like, "I just need some space." Or my personal favorite: "I'm really into my career right now."

- You believe that? Neither does she. You know why? Because she's lying to you, that's why. You understand me? Lying.

It's not a bad time for her. She doesn't need any space. She may be into her career... but what she's really saying is, "Get away from me now." Or possibly, "Try harder, stupid."

Well, which one is it?

1. 60 % of all human communication is nonverbal.

2. Body language. 30 % is your tone.

So that means that 90 % of what you're saying...isn't coming out of your mouth? Shit!

So…, my friend so fare You thought you were doing the right think. Hahahah… Of course she'll lie to you. She's a nice person; she doesn't want to hurt your feelings. What else is she going to say? She doesn't even know. Yet. Luckily, the fact is that just like the rest of us... even a beautiful woman doesn't know what she wants until she sees it. And that's why I opened this wound today. My point in here is to open your eyes.

Oh, my God! Was this what you're looking for?

Basic principles: - No matter what, no matter when, no matter who... any man has a chance to sweep any woman off her feet. Just needs the right broom.

You cannot use what you do not have. So if you're shy, be shy. If you're outgoing, be outgoing.

- I'm not outgoing.

- That's okay.

She may not want the whole truth, but she does want the real you. She may not want to see it all at once, but she does want to see it. So tonight, when you're wondering what

to say, how you look, or if she likes you... just remember, she is already out with you.

That means she said yes when she could have said no. That means she made a plan when she could have just blown you off. So that means it is no longer your job to try to make her like you. It is your job not to mess it up.

- The shoes are hot. You went to the place I told you?

-Yeah, but I don't think they're really me.

-"You" is a very fluid concept right now. You bought the shoes. You look great in the shoes. That's THE YOU I'm talking about.

The key tonight is hang back. Give her plenty of space. If she lingers at a photograph, move on. But maintain the visual. It's supposed to be… and clear tonight.

So when you leave the club, walk a little. Ask her what she thought about the show.. what was her favorite photograph, why that one.

And when she answers, don't be looking at her mouth. Don't be wondering what she looks like naked. Listen to what she is saying and respond. Listen and respond.

That way, when it's your turn to'll have something better to say than, "I like your mouth."

- What was your favorite one? The elephant, definitely.

And all of a sudden, we're on date number two.

-Ready...? No way. We're going back in there. You have to smile. In case you didn't go to high school, hitting is a good thing.

So how does it happen, great love? Are you okay?

- Nobody knows.

- I'm good.

Let me get a Grey Goose Martini on the rocks and a Rum and Coke for the lady. But what I can tell you is that it happens in the blink of an eye. One moment, you're enjoying your life. And the next, you're wondering how you ever lived without them. Three dates is all I need.

Three dates, and I'll get you here, to the high-stakes medal round... where eight out of ten women believe that the first kiss... will tell them everything they need to know about the relationship.

After that, you're on your own. But always remember... life is not the amount of breaths you take. It's the moments that take your breath away.

We never know where we going until we truly know where we have been.!

NOTE: All in favor of an old friend of mine. I think He got a date tonight.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Fate, is it fact or fiction?

Fate, is it fact or fiction?

Do we believe that we are completely free to do what ever we want and that we alone create our destiny, or are we fated to follow some decided path and no matter what we do we are predestined to live out our life according to someone's plan? Now maybe the bigger question is how do we justify which way is right and which is wrong. I believe that each person develops their own opinion through personal encounters and experiences, and the only correct path is the one that the person believes in and lets that person live their life to its fullest.

The people who truly believe in the whole concept of fate are the ones who have it easy. They can look at any situation and say that the outcome, whatever it may be, is because of fate and was meant to be. These are the people who can go skydiving with no fear because they believe that if it is their fate to live, great, if it's their fate to die, well hell it was meant to be. They take the responsibility of their life out of their own hands and put it into the hands of a mystic force called fate. Now that is one hell of a concept. Personally, if I 'm going to do something crazy and stupid, I will be sure all the proper precautions are taken and not count on fate to handle all the details.

Then there are the people who believe that their life is completely in their hands and they themselves mold their destiny through their choices and actions. To me this opinion requires way too much worrying and stress on their part if they truly practice it in their daily lives. But it also provides a sense of freedom and independence to do with your life as you please and live your life how you want it. To me, these types of people generally don't take as many risks as the others because they are worried about the consequences that might damage the life they have created. It is like when you build a pyramid out of playing cards. You pick out the best looking cards, the strong and secure ones, and are always ever so careful placing each pair on so that you don't knock down the entire thing. A life like that is what heart attacks and ulcers feed on. I just think that life is too short to worry about all of life's little things.

Now what I believe in is a little different. I believe in fate very much so, but also in living our life freely to make our own decisions to mold our life. I conceive fate not as some imaginary mystic force, but a very alive power in all our lives, God. I don't want to sound preachy and I don't think God decides everything, but I do believe that certain things happen for a reason. I sense that we are free to live out our lives how we see fit and that we help to shape our destiny through our actions and our experiences, but I strongly believe in another force out there intervening from time to time and makes things happen for whatever reason. This is where the concept of fate comes in.

Whether you live your life throwing caution to the wind or like a house of cards, you should simply live your life out to its fullest and not take either belief to an extreme. There is a healthy median out there, so find it, live it, and love it. Live out live however you see fit and govern your actions accordingly, because after all it is your life and you only got one.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


A ruddy drop of manly blood
The surging sea outweighs,
The world uncertain comes and goes,
The lover rooted stays.
I fancied he/she was fled,
And, after many a year,
Glowed unexhausted kindliness
Like daily sunrise there.
My careful heart was free again,
O friend, my bosom said,
Through thee alone the sky is arched,
Through thee the rose is red,
All things through thee take nobler form,
And look beyond the earth,
And is the mill-round of our fate
A sun-path in thy worth.
Me too thy nobleness has taught
To master my despair;
The fountains of my hidden life
Are through thy friendship fair.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

What is the perfect age?

If You Could Transform Yourself To Any Age, What Age Would You Be And Why? If You Would Not, Why Not?

I think the perfect age is twenty-five. At twenty-five you have earned the right to drive with less car insurance. Hehehe... You are considered a safe driver. You have the freedom to do as you please without your parent's consent. You have earned respect on the job and are more responsible. You have your whole future ahead of you.

I believe at twenty-five you are more mature and stable. You have completed your mandatory education for a regular job and you can pursue more education for a better paying job if it suits your interests to do so. You have your own home and you decorated it to your own tastes. You have your own lifestyle. You can take care of yourself. You have your own transportation.

You can travel anywhere with the correct travel documents and immunizations needed to visit those areas, for any length of time you desire. You can practice a religion if it suits you. You can help the less fortunate if you want to. If you are tired of the single life you can consider getting married, settling down, and having children. Raising them to the best of your ability. New challenges in life await you.

At twenty-five you are at your peek mentally, physically, socially, emotionally, etc. You can do anything you put your mind to. You have no more obstacles to overcome. Life from here is what you make it.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Woman: The biggest liar of all times. (Funny thoughts)

Now, I have a lot of lady friends who are singles moms out there and they all are doing great. Love them all. Respect them all but this is some other shit I am talking in here.

So.., Lets start.

I don't mind dating girls who I meet late at night in a downtown club during the week. I am sitting there in my chair messing up with her and just when I think I am about to go to her place I hear a ring.., and than another. So I look at her answering the phone; Sweetie mommy will be back soon. I am all shocked. I mean what the fuck just happen.

l was at the club the other night down, chilling at the club. l'm chilling with this girl. She was dancing. lt was about 2:00 a.m. l'm talking to her, and realized she had three kids at home. l don't mind the three kids at home, that's all good. But l'm like, ''What the fuck are you doing in a late in the fucking morning on a Wednesday night?

''What the fuck are you doing here? ''ls it your birthday? ''Did you get a raise? ''Well, you got to get the fuck out. ''You go. l'm kicking you the fuck out. Yes, bye! ''Go take care of your kids before they rob me in 10 years.''

You got to get your kid on or your groove on. You can't get both on at the same time. l'm tired of this shit. And a bunch of girls are like: - ''You don't need a man to help you raise you kids.'' Shut the fuck up with the bullshit. Yeah, you can do it without a man but that don't mean it's to be done. Shit, you could drive a car with your feet if you want to. That doesn't make it a good fucking idea.

l don't give a fuck. You could be the baddest mama on earth. l don't give a fuck how good you are. Ain't nothing you can say more powerful than, ''l'm gonna tell your daddy.'' Can't fuck with it. Can't come close to, - ''l'm gonna tell your daddy.''

l'm tired of bumping into these girls at the club... all late on a fucking weeknight.

You got this shit down?

See, nobody gives a fuck about Daddy. There's some real daddies out there. l'm not talking about the guy that fucked you and left. Fuck him, okay? l'm talking about the real daddies. There's still some motherfuckers out there that handle their business. Motherfuckers wanna act like brothers.... There's some brothers that handle their business. 'Cause people don't give a fuck.... Nobody gives a fuck about Daddy. Everybody takes Daddy for granted. Just listen to the radio. Everything's ''Mama. Dear Mama. Always loved my Mama.''

What's the Daddy song? "Papa was a Rollin' Stone". Nobody gives a fuck. Nobody appreciates Daddy. Now, Mama's got the roughest job. l ain't gonna front. But at least people appreciate Mama. Every time Mama do something right, Mama gets a compliment... 'cause women need to hear compliments all the time.

Women need food, water, and compliments. That's right. And an occasional pair of shoes. That's right. Women got to hear it all the time, or they lose their minds. And get Daddy to make sure you thank your mama for everything.

- ''Tell your mama how good the food is. Tell her how nice the house looks. ''Tell your mama how nice her hair looks. ''Did you tell your mama? You better go in there and tell your mama.'' That's right! ''Tell your mama.''

Nobody ever tells Daddy shit. I'm talking about the real daddies that handle their fucking business. Nobody ever says, - ''Hey, Daddy, thanks for knocking out this rent.'' ''Hey, Daddy, l sure love this hot water.''

''Hey, Daddy, this is easy to read with all this light.'' Nobody gives a fuck about Daddy. l'm talking about a daddy that handles his business. Nobody gives a fuck about Daddy. Think about everything that the real daddy does:

pay the bills, buy the food, but a fucking roof over your head. Everything you could ever ask for. Make your world a better, safer place. And what does Daddy get for all his work? Sex when his wife wants to. Damn…

That's right.

lt's damn near impossible for a man to turn down sex. lt's hard for a man to turn down sex. We can stop chasing it, and even that requires some rehab. But it's hard for a man to stop. lf it chase us, we can't run that fast. lt's gonna catch us, we're like: ''Shit, pulled a hamstring. You got me.'' You can't run that fast. See, it's easy for women to turn down sex. lt ain't shit for y'all to turn down sex. lt ain't no thing for y'all to turn down sex.

Y'all like, ''Why can't you turn it down? l do it all the time. ''Why can't you say no? l say no.'' See, it's easy for y'all. You know why? 'Cause every woman in here, ever since you were ... every guy you met has been trying to fuck you. That's right, every time a man's being nice to you...

There are a lot of woman reading this tonight. Love the women. What the fuck do y'all want? Do you know what you want? Do you know where you're going to? Do you like the things that life is showing you? Do you know? What the fuck do women want? l know what you want: everything.

That's every woman's answer: ''Everything.'' Women want every fucking thing. Women act like life was just a big sale, or shit. ''l want to get the most shit before things close down.'' That's what fucking life is to a woman: everything.

You know what men want? Food, sex, silence. That's it. Food, sex, silence. ''Feed me, fuck me, shut the fuck up!'' Our goals seem very attainable, don't they? Women, it's hard to figure women out. lt's hard being a guy. We always think we can buy sex. ''lf l take her here, she'll give me some. lf l buy her this, she'll give me some.'' Nothing get you nothing. A woman knows if she's gonna fuck you within the first five minutes of meeting you. Women know right away. They're shaking hands like, ''l'm gonna fuck him. ''l hope he don't say nothing too stupid.''

That's right, fellas, don't say nothing too stupid...because women are all about the mood. lf she's in the mood to fuck you, shut up and let it happen. 'Cause if you say the wrong thing, them panties are coming up mighty fast.

''What'd you say?'' She be on the phone with a girlfriend, ''Yeah, l was gonna give him some...''but he just started talking. ''l hate a yakking man, child.''

That's right, man. Relationships: easy to get into, hard to maintain. Why are they so hard to maintain? Because it's hard to keep up the lie. 'Cause you can't get nobody being you. You got to lie to get somebody. You can't get obody looking like you look, acting like you act... sounding like you sound.

When you meet somebody for the first time, you're not meeting them. You're meeting their representative. That's right. Who are the biggest liars, men or women?



Men lie the most, women tell the biggest lies. Men, we lie all the time. We lie so much, it's damn near a language. lt's like, to call a man out for lying... is like playing basketball with a retarded kid and calling him for double dribble.

You gotta let some shit slide. Men, we lie all the time. You know what a man's lie is like? A man's lie is like, ''l was at Tony's house. ''l'm at Kenny's house.'' That's a man's lie.

A women's lie is like, ''lt's your baby.'' We've all heard that one.

-''lt don't even look like me.''

-''He's got your hat.''

That's right. Who the biggest liars? Women the biggest liars. Look at you, all of you. You're a fucking liar. You! You're a liar! You're all liars. All of you are fucking liars! Masters of the lie, the visual lie.

Look at you. You got on heels, you ain't that tall. You got on makeup, your face don't look like that. You got dark brown hair, your hair ain't nowhere near that shit. You got a Wonderbra on, your titties ain't that big. Everything about you is a lie, and you expect me to tell the truth? Fuck you!

Men lie, we live lies. That's why we so crazy. Every now and then, we catch ourselves living a lie. We create a whole lie-world around us.

Hehehe, yeah…, keep laughing. LoL

Huh! You ever say some shit that gets you kicked out of bed? And the woman's like, ''Fuck me, harder! Fuck me, Daddy, spank me!''

-''All right, you ho.''

-''Who you calling a ho? ''Who the fuck are you calling a ho? ''Untie me!''

l ain't no expert or no shit, but, fellas, if you're gonna talk dirty to your woman... you got to talk with authority. You can get a woman to do any nasty little thing you want. You say that shit like a man, make a little eye contact...

put a little bass in your voice, she will do that shit. She wants to do that shit. She's dying to do that shit. Your woman is nastier than you ever imagined. But you gotta come correct...because anything you mumble ain't getting done. You can't be in bed all unsure, like,

- ''Excuse me....

- ''Excuse me, l was wondering....

- ''Ma'am, l have a request.

- "Could you lick my balls?''

She's gonna look at you like an idiot and say: - "l ain't licking nothing. Lick your own balls!''

Do you realize, it is some women still don't give head? Tow-thousand-fucking-six. Whenever l meet a girl that doesn't give head... l look at them like a damn Betamax,

- ''They still make you?''

That's right. Relationships: easy to get into, hard to maintain. Why are they so hard to maintain? 'Cause at some point you just stop talking. That's right, everybody stops talking after a while.

You know how it is. You come home and you start nodding.

- ''Yeah, we cool. ''l'm gonna get a little something to eat.''

Why do you stop talking? 'Cause at some point, you have heard everything this person has to say... and it makes you sick to your stomach. You know what they're gonna say before it even comes out their mouth... and you just wanna stab them in the neck with a pencil!

Your can't take the shit no more! And they're like:

- ''Remember that time?''

-''Yeah, l remember that time!''

-''Did l ever tell you about.....''

-''Yeah, you told me about that time! Stop telling me the same shit over and over again! '

-'Why don't you go out and get kidnapped, have some new shit happen to you?''

That's right. Fellas, you gotta talk. That's women's biggest complaint:

-''You don't talk. 'You need to talk, let's talk. You don't talk.'' That's right. Women love to talk. lf they had talking in the Olympics, a man wouldn't stand a chance.

Women love to talk, but they wanna talk to you. They wanna talk to their man. But women don't want you to talk-talk. Women just want you to listen-listen. All a woman really wants you to do is ask her the correct questions... that will allow her to run her fucking mouth! You set her up, she'll knock them down.

Fellas, you want your woman to be happy? All you got to say is:

- ''How was your day? 'Honey, how was your day?''

You know why? 'Cause ''How was your day?'' is a 45-minute conversation to a woman. And as a man, you don't really gotta talk. You gotta just act like you're talking. Just say:

- ''Get out of here. Go on sweetie! l don't believe it, really?. 'You don't say! Really? Get out of here! 'Go on. l don't believe it. You don't say? Get out of here. ''l told you that bitch crazy!'' You gotta throw in, ''l told you that bitch crazy.'' You know why? 'Cause every woman's got another woman at her job that she can't stand. Women, y'all exaggerate everything. You turn it into some Dynasty shit, like:

- ''She's trying to destroy me!''

- What the fuck are you talking about? You wrap up bags at J.C. Penney's! What's she doing, ripping up your paper?

Fellas, you gotta talk. Women, exact opposite. Y'all gotta learn when not to talk. That's right. You ever notice how no man comes home straight from work? No man comes home straight from work. A man get off work, he got to go somewhere. He got to drink something, he got to smoke something... he got to watch the game, he got to hang with his boys... he got to take a drive. He got to do something that will mentally prepare him... for all the talking he gonna hear when he get home.

Ladies, it ain't that you talk too much. You just talk too much as soon as we get in the fucking door. Let a man get situated. We don't need to hear everything right away. Soon as you take one step in, - ''You're not gonna believe this....''

- Let me get my other foot in the fucking door! Let me get something to eat! Let me get something to drink! Let me take a shit! Go in the fucking kitchen and get me my big piece of chicken!

l'm out of here. Thank you, Friends! I hope you laughed a little from all this.

NOTE: so.., how do you like my slang...? Hehehe