Sunday, October 7, 2007

Should We Break Up?

I know that breaking up with someone is the hardest thing to do. But let me tell you something: Your heart will tell you when something isn't right!!

GO by that HONESTLY. When I was younger, before I met my lovely wife, I've been in relationships and still some how I knew right than that something wasn’t functioning, as it was suppose to.

The truth of the matter is, you know when your heart skips a beat when you see that person, and you know when your heart doesn't. People act like they can change how they feel. You CAN'T change how you feel and if you could, people wouldn't have the problems in relationships they do. If you feel like maybe this truly isn't what you want in a relationship, it's time to leave.

I know it's hard especially if you have been with them for a long time, or are worried about finding that right person, or for the fear of being alone. And the answer to that is that's normal. You may be afraid, but the longer you drag a unhappy relationship, the more unfair it is to the other person. Or you can stay with them, and always think well what if I broke up with them when I first had these feelings? The longer you stay with them the harder it will be for them, and that’s not fair to either of you.

Love is a two way street, you either want to love them and be with them, or do both of you a favor and get out. When you start to fall out of love Bad things can happen, cheating is the number one of things that happens when you fall out of love. And if you cheat that is a Red flag that that person really isn't for you. You don't hurt people you love and if you do you don't love them.

I believe there are a lot of readers here that are in this situation. I’ve been before my self. I know is hard but if you already like someone else and want to grow a relationship with him/her than the best thing to do is: TELL YOUR PARTNER - ’It is over”. No matter how hard it might be at first, he/she will understand later on.

Don’t be scared to do the right thing no matter how hard it is, in the right moment. Everything happens for a reason. Maybe it is the time for you to move on…