Tuesday, June 3, 2008

I’m not a puppet master!

I know it usually happen with bloggers to run through this situation a lot with their readers. It is god, it is bad!

Sometime I sense you all blaming me for what I write, or why I write this stuff. It is simply understandable, because you feel the meaning of my words and experience different part of it in your everyday life. Some of you find it amusement some other crazy. Be as it may. I don’t care. But I want to tell you what I really think:

I’m not a puppet master. I definitely don’t make things happen. It doesn’t work that way.

You read my columns, but you have your free will. It’s like butterfly’s wings. Once touched, they never get off the ground. I only set the stage. I don’t even bother worrying who’s going to show up there and for what? That is your problem. You pull your own strings.

I see you getting mad now. Well, think about me reading all those comments. One time you like my blogs and than I’m your hero, the other time you don’t like them and this time I’m crazy. Hahahaa, you are really making my day.


Who am I? Okay than, I’m little more than you think. I’m my own self, with no interruptions of someone’s opinion. I have my little world where I am the king. My pride is my precious. I have no hidden spats.

This is getting pretty interesting. You are still mad and now even more. You still blaming me, because you don’t get my words. You never listen to me people, you get my messages in a wrong way, and than you come to me for a Dr. Phil solution.

Well, guess what, I am not Dr. f…. Phil I am as me!

Vanity is definitely my favorite sin. It’s so basic. My meanings (blogs) are like a bag of fricken rocks. If you don’t like it, simply set it down and leave. No hard feelings. Don’t come to me and tell me I was wrong about this, and right about that. I didn’t ask anyone when I write it down, why should I ask you now?

I accept you guys for what you are, do do accept me for who I am?

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