Tuesday, May 6, 2008

The way of Life

The different shades of a human beings character are nothing but the self-love manifest.

I always stress over the fact that the heart has an upper hand in our lives. So basically the idea is to pull down the energy level of the heart and raise the energy level of the mind in order to obtain a sound balance.

Stop thinking about others. Open your heart. Close your eyes. Stretch your hands forward and while moving them away take a deep breath and say to yourself that you are free, you are open. You are open to changes. Life is too small to be shackled by ropes of stringent principles. The past is past for good. There is nothing in the entire world more important than you and your desires.

Since God is the ultimate abode of every living creature, and taking into account His fickle nature, the best idea is to just consistently keep doing your work. If He is the real benefactor, and you believe in Him, and you've been damn serious in your ventures, you shall be benefited. It is highly essential to note here that miracles generally do not occur and Lady Luck is very lazy and clumsy. This is a bitter truth.

Joy is momentary. Greater part of our lives we spend in depression. Little things make us unhappy. This shouldn't be. Are we - the masterpieces of His creation - so weak? He has bestowed upon us the choicest qualities of the heart, mind and body. Any venture undertaken would bring hopes, hope may bring failure and failure brings depression. So why not throw the damn hope out? Believe me its often possible if not always.

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