Thursday, May 29, 2008

The difference between making love and having sex!

We sometime in our idiotic moments used to think there was no difference between making love and having sex. That distinction seemed wholly fabricated by the evil unit responsible for many women's magazines and Harlequin romance-style novels.

You see, We are men. That means we have needs, and any time that happens, it managed to find a little female companionship, well, call it what you will, but it was all good. Pretty much. Cuddle afterward — or don't. Show up with flowers next time — or don't. Phone the next day — or don't.

Some people might choose to argue over semantics. We, on the other hand as young men species, were busily engaged in trying to help our self find a new female vacation spot.

Let me explain:

You see, Think back and find a time when you have fallen for this girl once, in a big way (not anymore though). Suddenly, You knew there was a difference — and what, exactly, that difference was. It's not that we don't get "fast and furious". Rather, for the first time, We were profoundly aware that making love is fundamentally a process — a long, unbelievably enticing, terribly wonderful encounter that's all about discovering every possible way two people can connect sexually.

Even better, the more in love you are, the more ways to connect.

Sex, on the other hand, is about two people using one another to get off, which is fine and good. But making love is a journey of utter pleasure that is only possible when you increasingly cannot imagine not having that person in your life.

Still confused? Just refer to this handy list I've devised:

Making Love: You can't wait to wake up with her.
Having Sex: You can't wait to wake up.

Making Love: You talk and giggle into the small hours.
Having Sex: You have little to say other than, "So, our sex organs really fit together there, now don't they."

Making Love: You wake up staring into her opalescent blue eyes.
Having Sex: You wake up staring at her (um, I forget what color) eyes.

Making Love: You wonder how you ever got through the night without holding and kissing her.
Having Sex: You wonder how you're going to get through the night without holding and kissing Smelly, your loyal, prodigiously slobbering Great Dane–pit bull mix.

Still confused? Think again!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Okay people! I'm telling you for the last time.

Yesterday my best friend came from Detroit, so I had to be generous with him. I took him a few places. We know each other for a very long time, and always tell each other almost about anything.

I remember when he got married a few years ago, and heck I sure do remember his divorce too. Hell of a life eh?

Okay than lets start.

I am not a fun of "so-called" experts. How do they think? What do they think, and the most important how the hell they go along with girls as easy as looking for toilette paper in a drag-mart store.

I know for a fact that everyone of us always try to cover and hide the mystery of dating, because we never know actually what is going to happen anyway. The journeys of dating can various from a 5-star outstanding adventure to a slow shitty bus ride.

Anyway, this friend of mine is being so mad about him self, (and, God I hope he doesn’t read this Lol) he is anxious about being single for a relatively long time.

At first, this is normal for all of us, but please being single is not a desperate situation.

I listened to his story and to be honest with you, I told him this: - "Sometime the best thing to think is NOT to think at all". He gave me a look like I was coming from another planet.

I mean, who cares anymore that on our first date a guy should be very careful about what he says. What is more important to be careful, choose our words and than later one our partner to discover that we are full of shit and nothing more..?

I my self, hate this kind of girls, who always expect guys to be the mood of the first date. Make them laugh, keep them interested about what is going on etc.. I say NO.

Spontaneous is my weapon and if you don’t like it, that is not my problem. Don’t you think you are looking for more than you are giving.

I know that there are certain unspoken, unwritten rules, but hey, rules are made so we can break them and feel happy about it.

Let’s get back to my friends reality. He was telling me that he ruined a couple of dates, cause he wasn’t being an interesting guy. Hack of a situation eh..?

I still don’t understand why some girls look at their first date like a very careful step.

Hey, it is a goddamn date not your last day in earth….

At some point we all are looking for ways to take control of our life, whether is our relationship or else. Daily challenges have a way of overwhelming us, making life harder. Is that what we need to do?

I know in my life, I’ve been in my friend’s situation, but believe it or not, I think I got my remedy. I remember I heard a quote once: - "To dream of the person you would like to be, is to waste the person you are". Pretty hard achievement eh? Well, deal with it. I did!

I know I'm keeping you here stuck with me, to figure out where am I going, so let’s cut the chit chat.

I'm telling you, like I told my friend for the last time:


  1. Always speak the truth.
  2. Ask your self what you really want.
  3. Take responsibilities for your experiences.
  4. Keep your agreement.
  5. Add good-feeling to your life.
  6. Be self-worth in your life.
  7. Ad creativity to your life.
  8. Live in an existent, hand-touchy reality.

Whether its heaven or hell, we are the ones who created our life. We are the ones who constantly struggle with relationships, career, etc. People say life is hell but life I think never was meant to be a struggle.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Time of choices and passions

Spring has arrived, pushing away the dark melancholy of winter. The contrast between the two seasons mirrors the contrasts within ourselves. We are both light and dark, colorful and plain. Do we need to shed the winter of our souls to embrace the rebirth of spring?

We are compromised of both for good reasons. "The shadow is the person we would rather not be...(However) one does not become enlightened by imaginary figures of light but by making the darkness conscious."

Our shadows exist to teach us, guide us, and give us the blessings of our entire selves. They are the resources for us to expose and explore. The feelings that we have suppressed are desperate to be integrated into ourselves. They are only harmful when they are repressed: then they can pop up at the least opportune times. Their sneak attacks will handicap us in the areas of our life that mean the most.

"Our life will be transformed when we make peace with our shadow. The caterpillar will become a breathtakingly beautiful butterfly. We will no longer have to pretend to be someone we're not. We will no longer have to prove we're good enough. When we embrace we shadow, we will no longer have to live in fear. Find the gifts of our shadow and we will finally revel in all the glory of our true self. Then we will have the freedom to create the life we have always desired."

Lets summon our deepest selves. Cultivating the kind of knowing that doesn't depend on following paper trails and keeping up with proliferating piles of information seems essential as our world speeds up and problems become more complex. Imagine if we surrendered our compulsion to devour information and instead trusted intuition, if we listened to first impressions and acted from a deep sense of harmony. Operating this way, what we needed to know would simply occur to us, and whoever was supposed to do the task would be the first to do it.

Spring is the mother of new creation. Tender blades of grass rise from the barren earth, flowers bloom, leaves burst forth and fawns appear in the meadows. Puppies play while kittens frolic. She allows us to be seized with joy and a zest for life, enchanted when the butterfly takes wing and the rainbow glitters above. Even while we continue to recognize our winters, we should let our souls revel in spring. Among her best gifts are an enthusiasm that creates momentum, an anticipation of the future and awe at the wonders of our world. Spring is also a time of choices and passions. We need to let our choices and our passions combine and become the life force of our creative endeavors.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

The way of Life

The different shades of a human beings character are nothing but the self-love manifest.

I always stress over the fact that the heart has an upper hand in our lives. So basically the idea is to pull down the energy level of the heart and raise the energy level of the mind in order to obtain a sound balance.

Stop thinking about others. Open your heart. Close your eyes. Stretch your hands forward and while moving them away take a deep breath and say to yourself that you are free, you are open. You are open to changes. Life is too small to be shackled by ropes of stringent principles. The past is past for good. There is nothing in the entire world more important than you and your desires.

Since God is the ultimate abode of every living creature, and taking into account His fickle nature, the best idea is to just consistently keep doing your work. If He is the real benefactor, and you believe in Him, and you've been damn serious in your ventures, you shall be benefited. It is highly essential to note here that miracles generally do not occur and Lady Luck is very lazy and clumsy. This is a bitter truth.

Joy is momentary. Greater part of our lives we spend in depression. Little things make us unhappy. This shouldn't be. Are we - the masterpieces of His creation - so weak? He has bestowed upon us the choicest qualities of the heart, mind and body. Any venture undertaken would bring hopes, hope may bring failure and failure brings depression. So why not throw the damn hope out? Believe me its often possible if not always.

Friday, May 2, 2008

My Interests

I am interested in anything that is interesting. Writing seeps into my brain much more easily than the thundering similar data of a single concentrated topic area. Though I tend to gravitate towards computer, science, and math information, I will just as likely find an article on a political, religious, or historical topic just as interesting as an article on how astronauts keep their Coke fizzy in space or a book on how public key encryption works.

My interests are gauged by how much time I spend in each of them. I spend time on my personal relationship with computing, writing, web design, and cycling, in order.

Though I do not spend most of my daily time actively engaging in monastic exercises of personal study and reflection, or even in what would popularly be considered religious activity, I have determined to mold my entire life, moment by moment, in a way that is pleasing to God. This is my greatest interest.

The second-most done activity in my life is computing and regulation compliancy, as it is currently my job. I do try to spend some time off the clock exercising this interest, but if allowed free in the wild, it would probably take third place to the next interest: writing.

I enjoy writing very much. My writing topics and style tend to match my electricity, though I enjoy the role of an essayist-poet most of all. I have written many instructional blogs, essays, poems though I have lately stayed away from them due to my over-exercise of that area of writing. I enjoy poetry, and while few poets ever put bread on the table and write substantial amounts of poetry, I am not motivated by anything primarily for money and find poetry an expressive way to communicate things that prose is unable to.

I can never tell when I will be interested in something. But that is what makes life an interesting hodgepodge of many facts, experiences, activities, and lessons.