Friday, March 14, 2008

Writing is a Technology that Restructures Thought

Writing and reading are two essential skills that we need to have in order to succeed in any field of study that we have chosen. Without these two we would not be here, wouldn’t be writing right now and would be considered the lowest class of our society.

To us there are different ways that we excel at. Some of us are creative enough to write short stories or even novels on fiction while others, like me, are better at writing essays or blogs. To accomplish this we have all a person(s) to inspire us, to drive us, to get us over the hump of confidence that we need to succeed. Still to be successful we need to count on ourselves to succeed.

I for one am better at writing essays/blogs on a topic than writing a short story about something fiction. To me that is a problem sometime, I am not creative enough to write stories even about my life, but I do excel at writing to a given purpose such as a topic.

I feel stronger at essays/blog than at any other part of my writing abilities. When I start writing short stories I feel lost, I confuse myself because I think too much in the way I want.

My style is affected by my mood, intended audience, knowledge on the topic, attitude toward the topic; environment and state of consciousness-- give or take. Some may even say that the movement of the moon changes ones ability to bring words together. But that is not the whole story.

Given a group of fifty students, all generally similar, put in the same environment, taught by the same teacher using the same techniques (etc), you will have fifty different styles. In this light, the argument about the essence of style is very much like the nature verses nurture argument. I believe that a certain amount of ones style is just how they are hardwired.

Writing is, at its core, a technology. It allows us to take our thoughts and arrange them spatially in the physical world. Living in a culture where this practice is an every day occurrence, the physical nature of writing fluidly becomes part of our consciousness.

Writing as it exists in this world can be interpreted an infinite amount of ways. Some believe it to be communication, some self expression. Some believe that it is a tool to explain one self, others think it complicates things.

For me, writing is used for remembering things so that you can eventually communicate with yourself and others about what you thought at a previous time. If you can talk without confusing, then you can write without confusing. It is as simple as that.

In order for someone to become a good writer, that entire person has got to do is make sense of their feelings by writing them down in a fashion that is understood by those who one wishes to communicate with.

That is, tell the people what you have got to say and explain it so that they can understand. If you do not, you fail as a writer because no one can understand you or what you are saying. If you want to be a good writer, you must make it so that the public can understand it.

Note: I hope I was good enough to explain who I am when it comes to my writing skills. Thanks for taking the time and reading this.

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