It's Not What Happened...
It's What You Do About It That Makes The Difference!
A major reason a lot of people don't go after their dreams is they spend too much of their valuable time dwelling on what has happened in the past. They use up their precious, present moments mulling over the things they can't do anything about.
It doesn't matter whether the events that took place in your past were good or bad, favorable or unfavorable, there's absolutely nothing you can do to change them now.
The most productive thing you can do with past events is to accept each one as a learning experience, and use the lessons to help you make better decisions and take better actions toward your goals and aspirations.
If you don't learn from your past mistakes and experiences, you'll likely end up committing them again. One of the most harmful things you can do is to repeat a past mistake because you didn't learn from it the first time. It's fine to make mistakes. That's how we, as human beings, learn and grow.
Remember, it took Thomas Edison more than 10,000 tries before he invented the incandescent lamp (light bulb). This great inventor knew it was OK to make mistakes, as long he learned from each one. Can you imagine where we would be today if he hadn't learned from his past errors and kept repeating them 10,000 times? We might still be using candles.
Please always remember these two universal truths:
- The past is the past and it's gone forever. There's nothing you (or anyone else) can do to bring it back.
- The only things that will make a difference in your life are the actions you take today. Examine your past events, learn from each one of them, and then take new actions to create the future of your dreams.
I know it's easier said than done. You may be saying, "There's no way I can forget what that person did to me in the past." I understand how you feel. But you know what? One of the main reasons you're having such a hard time letting go of the past is that you dwell on it so much.
You see, whatever you focus on, you'll get more of it. So if you constantly think about the things you don't want, you'll just end up receiving more of what you don't want. The first step toward getting what you want is to be proactive. If you start focusing on the things you want more of, eventually, you'll have more of them.
If you really want to change your life, then adopt the belief that...
"It's Not What Happened To Me, It's What
I Do About It That Makes The Difference!"
When you begin living your life with this new, empowering belief, you'll notice some very positive, even significant, changes right away.
Today, instead of getting frustrated at past events, I simply accept each one of them as a learning experience, and I use this newfound knowledge to create my ideal future. You can also use this mighty belief to build a better life, now and in the future.
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