Wednesday, July 5, 2006

Flirting Tips!

Women are so much more subtle about flirting clues that men need to really pay attention. Ladies, men are not used to women flirting with them. An overwhelming majority of men said they would just love it if a woman would talk to them first or at least express a larger clue that you were interested in checking them out.

1. Repeated least three separate verbal or non-verbal clues need to be given. Why? The first time he's going to look around and make sure it's really him that you are flirting with. The second, he knows it's him and he gets flushed and pleased. (At this point he'll probably walk by you and at least smile..he's checking you out a little more.) The third time you can express interest-by introducing yourself, or commenting on his tie, or waving from across the room. Now he knows you are open to meeting and it will be a cinch.

2: always gets their attention. Ask them if you can tell them a secret...Then whisper in their ear: 'I just love your tie...can I buy it from you when you are done with it?'

3: Don't sit with other don't want you to reject them in front of an audience. If you do go out with a friend...separate every so often or take a breather from do not want to risk your disapproval by interrupting you. (You have already missed out on a lot of quality polite men who didn't want to interrupt.)

4: Treat men gently...If someone you are not interested in approaches you and flirts nice.... All the other men are watching to see what you do. If you laugh after he leaves or show visual disapproval, you are cutting your chances on anyone else approaching you. Try shaking his hand and saying something like: 'It was so nice of you to approach me...what's your name? Tom? Tom, I know how hard it is to meet people...I might have a girlfriend who would be interested in you.'

5: IF he acts like a JERK! Be polite but firm. Hand him a copy of the men's version of 'Flirting with Greatness' and ask him to go practice on someone else. Firmly say that 'lines' with sexual overtones are not only not attractive to you but to most other women in the world.

6: Use the Buddy system. Walk through a group of men and have someone watch to see who's checking you out.

7: Become More Irresistible! Show a little leg....wear higher heels...the redder the lipstick the more available and noticeable you will be. Arch your back a little as you sit up tall and cross your legs high. Wear earrings that are interesting enough to make someone comment on them.

8: Look over your shoulder...and smile at him. This asymmetrical position is always a signal you are interested.

9: Give him a look all over from head to toe - nod with approval and then flash him your most winning smile.

10: Remember that flirting is a way of connecting from the heart and acknowledging someone. Be generous! Have Fun!

Tuesday, May 2, 2006

The Art of Seduction - Seduce Your Man, so we all can feel special

NOTE: - For all my readers and who ever thinks that sex and love life is getting boring.

First, it's very important that you choose the right person to seduce. This is more a matter of instinct than anything else, but most of us at will attempt to make conversation, or at least some eye contact, with a potential partner whom we consider to be about as attractive as we feel we are. So, if you are not happy with the way you look and moreover who you are on the inside, then start there!

The thrill of seduction sometimes lies in the chase rather than the conquest. The excitement of wanting and pursuing someone can give a sense of satisfaction in itself - this is especially true for men. But those who thoroughly enjoy the chase are generally people with plenty of self-confidence and their belief in themselves increases the likelihood of success.

I suggest planning and setting up the time and the right place knowing you will be alone for some period of time. If the object of your passion is somebody you see on a regular basis, the time and the place being wrong may also very well add to the thrill. If you're getting the right feedback from him (flirting), the knowledge that that he is interested but that you can't do anything about it just yet can increase the feelings of arousal and excitement. Let them linger ...

Now - just how do you know that he's interested? Your best clues come from reading his body language. His body signals are far better indicators of how he feels about you than anything he may actually say verbally. The eyes are the biggest give-away when it comes to seduction of either sex. If he returns your gaze, and especially if he holds eye contact with you longer than you'd normally expect, then chances are he’s quite interested. Trust your instincts and you'll 'feel' whether he's interested or not. Look for small gestures and tone of voice tell you a lot about what he feels towards you.

Flirt. Flirt. Flirt. Important - We flirt with others to remind our partner that we still need to be wooed by him, but when used for seduction, it's a means of keeping the other person interested and aroused, as well as letting them know that they are unlikely to be rejected. Men, who are generally the pursuers, are highly dependent on your signals to reassure them that they are 'onto something' good. And ladies, playing hard-to-get isn't particularly attractive to men unless you're sending out enough signals to assure him that you are 'gettable' and that the chase will be worth it in the end. Just beware that you may chase him away.

Once you've made it known that you are attracted to him, you'll need to let him know where the encounter is likely to be heading. People have very different ideas of what sex should be, so it's important that you both know that you're looking for the same things and headed in the same direction. The subtle approach is more likely to get you what you want. Remember, though, men generally take the lead in this area, even asking questions and trying to determine whether you'd make a satisfactory sex partner. Follow his lead. The questions probably won't be that direct (depending upon the man), but they will be based around 'self-disclosure'. He tells you some, you tell him some and this creates trust. Try discussing sex in a light-hearted, abstract manner when talking with a potential lover, testing each other in a non-committal way.

Two people, who may have been attracted to each other visually, may not have the right chemistry to move along the road of seduction. Once you’ve talked a little about it, does he still seem interested? Look for signs of acceptance or rejection (remember rejection could depend on many many things - perhaps you’re just too much woman for him). If you pick up on any signs of rejection, don't waste your time on something that is very unlikely to happen, no matter how much you think you fancy him. The right man is out there just waiting to be seduced by you!

Surrender - If you're still doing fine and the signals are good, it's time to make your move. One of you must surrender. In all probability it will be you, because even if you initiated the seduction, he will probably have taken over the role of pursuer somewhere along the line. The roles of 'hunter' and 'prey' have been decided through thousands of years of evolution, and usually fall naturally into place.

Seduce, surrender and enjoy!

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Men and women will never understand each other...

It is a little overwrought!

Men and women will never understand each other. I know! You girls know! We all know, that never is going to happen.

Why men behave in stranger ways that women will find it hard to believe? I don’t know. I’m pretty sure nobody knows yet.

I my self never understand women. I cannot even imagine how a woman can take hot boiling wax pure it in her upper thighs and rip the hair off their roots and still be afraid of a tiny spider. I am not spending any more time on this.

I know most of you women right know reading to this are thinking: “I wonder what is going on, on that little brain of his? I bet you I could manipulate that?” - “I am pretty sure you can do that to me.”

Well, do you really want to know what a man thinks about it? I will tell you: - “Nothing”, “Absolutely nothing”. We just walk around and check stuff out. That is what we are known for.. We work because we are forced too, but other than that we just stay put.

Probably you are thinking right now: - “If this is all true, than what is going on really?”

Hahaha.., Men were created because god need it some servant to be under his orders. We figured out we are part of this project called life and here we are the same as thousand years ago.

Men are always rude, drank most of the times, falling off the stairs, and making kissing noises and still finding a way to get to beautiful women. I know what you girls thinking again at this moment. You are saying to your self: --No. No, my man is different, I am working on him, and this is not true.”

Well look for your self, because: - IT IS TRUE.

No matter how poorly we behave we men end up with women anyway. How many of you beautiful girls out there reading this topic, have had this kind of thought through your mind every time you dated a new guy. Every single time, I bet. Right???

I know dating is hard, and believe it or not dating to me looks the same as a job interview, with the only different in the dating process, most of the time you end up naked, willing to meet your new coo-worker. Hahaha..

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Our Bloody Valentine’s Day

Hello my fellows! A very special day is coming. Am I right? I sure am!

It is somehow aggressively poetic that Valentine's Day hits right in the middle of the year's coldest month. Mostly if you're in that frustrating state of being unwillingly single.

Everyone supposedly knows when they're in love, whether consummated or requited or no, and, as such, love has been celebrated and bewailed and pored over and cursed at in story and song for centuries of literate culture -- but for some reason no one seems to focus on the even more acute sensation of not being in it.

And everyone kind of knows how it feels. It's this depthless abyss-thing which no one but you can really see, although it feels painfully exposed to your friends. It's a sense you get late at night, from totally out of nowhere, while listening to music or watching TV or reading or lying in bed, a sense which insistently pounds in your mind and makes you violently aware of the passage of time and space around you. It's a dark, creeping, convulsive space in the pit of your heart, a void, an absence of something, waiting, wanting to be filled. You're not in love. You don't have love. Love does not have you.

And so Valentine's Day's cold temporal placement seems especially sadistic but appropriate, what with the fact that the day is a separate and specific "holiday" devoted to making those people who are in love feel a little better about themselves and their relationships by giving them all an excuse to shower extra love and affection and flowers and cards and candies etc, pushing into those legions of the population who are single or unattached (and therefore left in the emotional vacuum of the center of the freezing wet February chill) with emphatic reminders that those unlucky legions have: no Valentine.

And yet this is a beautiful kind of thing, this misery-inducing clarity that Valentine's Day provides, because by driving home the rift between "the haves" and "have-nots" of love, it really outlines in stark black and white the prevailing sentiment of raw frustration that's symptomatic of our times. But! That's all hardly grounds for abandoning the floor of your emotional equilibrium. Expunge from your mind the idea, however timeless yet timely it may seem, that love cannot be explained. Of course it can be explained; besides, it can be divided, analyzed, predicted…

Love is really nothing more than a messy mixture of self-loathing, fear, guilt, loneliness, hunger, and pity, aimed in the right direction and combined in the proper proportions. Of course, figuring out that direction and those proper proportions is the real nut to crack, but it's not really a precision thing anyway. Love waits for you. An elusive, shadowy bastard while you hunts it. But you shall triumph, you and your thirsty companionship and unconditional rapture, even as Valentine's Day unassumingly blips by into another dull year. You will prevail, in spite of your own pathetic self. The stats are on your side.

The bloody Valentine will be a history for you!

Sunday, January 1, 2006

Meanings Of Kisses

I was surfing the Internet once and I found this. I though might come handy to someone.

Kiss on the hand - I adore you.

Kiss on the cheek - I just want to be friends.

Kiss on the chin - You are cute!

Kiss on the neck - I want you.

Kiss on the lips - I love you.

Kiss on the ears - Let's have some fun.

Kiss anywhere else - You're the best.

If disagree with this statement, please write your statement for every single one